Friday, October 24, 2014


Recently I spent considerable time digging through the past minutes of city council minutes from the past and discovered some NOTABLE EVENTS THAT THIS CITY HAS COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN ABOUT. 

My question is why don't we continue to celebrate the GIANTS that made Little Falls their home?

Some of these celebrations would certainly draw tourists to our city for very little cost.

1. Every year on September we should celebrate Gordon Rosenmeier day, week, or month, as done by resolution on Sept. 19th, 1974 by the Little Falls City Council, and also by former Governor Wendell Anderson.  More than 800 people attended festivities in Little Falls. 

Rosenmeier was the CHIEF SPONSOR OF THE BILL CREATING THE MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY IN 1967, and helped create the Brainerd State Hospital, and Brainerd Community College.  He had a hand in creating regional development commissions, the State Planning Agency, the county court system, ANTI-DISCRIMINATION AGENCIES, AND HUMAN RIGHTS LAWS!!!!   He also authored bills such as the creation of the FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES COMMISSION, the reorganization of the Department of Natural Resources,  and provided for watershed districts (Watershed Act) Open Meeting Law of 1957.  He has been described by some as the ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL FIGURES IN MINNESOTA LEGISLATIVE HISTORY.

2.  SENIOR CITIZEN DAY, as declared by resolution under Mayor Joseph Sauer in 1980, and should be celebrated every year.   Local merchants could give our elderly extra discounts that day and seniors could be asked to share their talents with all ages of school students.

3. Arbor Day, as declared by Mayor Joseph Sauer in 1981, and should be celebrated every year.

4. Energy Week, as declared by Mayor Joseph Sauer by resolution in 1982, and should be celebrated every year.


Laura Jane Musser was passionate about connecting with the Ojibwe Tribe.  Why is Little Falls not connecting our youth with theirs and using Laura Jane Musser youth grant monies to educate and promote tolerance?  I would, if I were your mayor.

Why haven't we focused our efforts in tourism and celebrations on the fact that we are a MISSISSIPPI RIVER TOWN.  

I suggested a huge driftwood sculpture somewhere in town, that would cost little or nothing to create with local artist collaboration.

Why not develop a community satirical play called "WE GOT TROUBLE, TROUBLE, TROUBLE....RIGHT HERE IN RIVER CITY." Highlight our sign issue debacle and title our city "the sign capital of Minnesignta."

There is no "Christmas all year long" city in Minnesota.  Why not here?  

Why not host a contest and give substantial prizes for the best ideas for tourist attraction and JOB GROWTH? 

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