Friday, October 24, 2014

taxpayer $$$$$$ going right out the window....attention Jenny Allen, Dillon Wuellner, and Josh Stumpf

Listen to the 3 minute entire clip of my most recent public forum, imploring the city council to STOP GIVING ANY MORE $$$$ public revenues to the Sister City Committee, as they have been illegally spending public funds for a non public purpose in violation of the State Auditors' policy. 


  1. I do not understand your issue with this. Why exactly does this bother you?

    1. are kidding right??? What part don't you understand? Your council, mayor, city staff and opportunity hoarding co-citizens have been ILLEGALLY misusing PUBLIC REVENUES. My question is ...why DOESN'T THIS BOTHER YOU??? Are you one of the many people in this town that either are "opportunity hoarders" or the "go along to get along gang?"

  2. No i am not kidding. I really don't understand. Why is it a waste of money? Why? In who's eyes? Yours? I think it brings our city culture and history. Both my children know about the sister city committee and what it is about and they think it is cool as do i. Maybe instead of seeing the negative you should seek the positive.

    And if you think it is a waste because it doesn't supply us with a public service..then maybe educating more people about the sister city and allowing it to become more of a public service should be your goal. How can you make it better?

    1. Use your search engine to find answer....put in minnesota state auditor definition public purpose expenditure of public purpose.

    2. Jenny...I don't object to the Sister City group but it should have always been funded privately instead of with public funds. Public purpose is to benefit the whole city......who benefits is only French people that come here. The money was given to provide booze, entertainment, gifts, transportation on yours and my nickel. The French sister city does NOT RECEIVE help from their government to host the Littlefallsians when they visit LeBourget. The French fundraise all of their money so it is not a burden on their fellow residents. They earn it all. The younger group that have traveled to France just don't want to do all their own fundraising. They WANT CITY money and are NOT ENTITLED TO IT. You agree that the city should follow the state auditors laws right? Because that is why the city atty told this opportunity hoarding group they couldn't have city $$ anymore. You want city to be sued again?
