Wednesday, July 26, 2017

WAR OR PEACE.....will the planet be saved? Bruce Gagnon speaks at Peacestock 2017

Camp Ripley investigates after private property owner finds training round....Brainerd Dispatch

I wonder if the official city/county newspaper for Little Falls, Mn and Morrison County (the Morrison County Record) will report or follow up on this investigation?

You may want to read this article too.....Camp Ripley trains on not one but 2 drones that are used in illegal assassinations....the Shadow drone can carry 2 lethal bombs, and the Raven can be used as a kamikaze style killer.  Plus the Shadow drones are used in gathering intelligence that assists location of the intended target of the larger drones(Reaper and Predator), that are regularly used in illegal drone assassinations.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Attention Little Falls city council/mayors, past and present

Greg Zylka, Jeremy Hanfler, Frank Gosiak, Cathy VanRisseghem, Donald Klinker, Loren Boyum....he is referring to you. You should hang your heads in shame. Course, that only applies to those who have a conscience.  

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Little Falls Cable Review Board ■■ UPDATED ■■regular quarterly meeting 7-17-17

This is what I emailed to Jon Radermacher and others today...see below 

The newest communication about this subject that is becoming more sickening by the minute, will be posted at the top of the page for easy update reference. This is the latest communication I got from Mark Slupe(GRA-TV station mgr) today 7-20-17

The above letter is in response to the email I sent on Monday 7-17-17, the day the Cable Board mtg was held on. (See below)

This email below was sent to Mark on June 3rd, 2017

The following correspondences may be out of order, but at least you get to see the communication between Mark Slupe and myself.

This is a picture(above) taken off my tv, showing Mark was illegally airing this business advertisement.(as per GRA TV policies and procedures)

 These character generator announcements prove that Mark gave these shows 3 airings per week.....but our new shows "Billionaires" and "Church and State" never got an announcement like this, that I requested in December 2016, and our shows were only aired once per week. So Mark is controlling free speech, by limiting some and giving more to others. Everything that comes out of anybodys mouth is free speech....but Mark does not understand that. In fact, dance, signs, and many other things are free speech.  One of his job requirements is understanding all the laws that pertain to public access tv.
 Why is Mark airing school board meetings on the public access channel when they have their own educational channel?  Poor judgement or is he too lazy to recruit more individuals to produce new shows?

Other than our productions, Mark is airing almost ALL old shows produced and filmed by past managers. Why? 

Because he spends MOST of his worktime filming, editing and other jobs for Great River Arts Association. That's why.

Here is another big issue.....Atomic Learning produces videos in the public access studio, but GRA TV policies and procedures, ban using the stdio for profit making. Atomic Learning PAYS to use the public access studio and the money is paid to Great River Arts Association.

Theresa Skorseth and I requested in writing on March 4, 2017 a hearing for our grievances between the 2 of us and Mark Slupe GRA TV station manager, as per the GRA TV policies and procedures policy adopted November 12, 2014 (as seen in the photos below).

We were then told that we would be able to address the Cable Review Board at their next meeting April 17, 2017(instead of giving us a hearing within 10 days of the disputes. City administrator Jon Radermacher should have scheduled a hearing for us with the Cable Review Board 10 days from March 4, 2016 when I emailed him and copied GRA TV staff/general manager Jill Moore and station manager Mark Slupe, as well as our Ward 1 representative Leif Hanson, who is on the Cable Review Board(as mandated by the city charter). It is clearly one of Jon Radermachers duties to supervise the city boards. I had a family emergency so I could not attend that meeting on April 17,2017, so I emailed Jon Radermacher and all others again, requesting another date for our hearing.

Jon Radermacher emailed me back and said we could address the board at the July 17, 2017 meeting, but when we attended that meeting yesterday, we were not even listed on the agenda.  Conveniently Leif Hanson, Al Sandquist, and former LFPD officer Thor Lindquist, did not show, so there was no quorum.  Ironically, someone had added a "public comment" category to the meeting agenda, and Jay Spillum(Cable Review Board president) told us, it was during this time, that we could talk, but were limited to 5 minutes.

Hear what Theresa and I had to say at       16:50 minutes into the video.

In the early part of the video, you can see Jay Spillum pointing to Jon Radermacher and saying that Jon had emailed all of the board members about the meeting held 7-17-17.  The date for the next meeting is always listed on the agenda of the all of the members were aware at their April 17, 2017 meeting that the next scheduled meeting would be in July.

It was stunning to discover that president Jay Spillum, had no knowledge of the GRA TV policies and procedures, that this board is to oversee, according to the city website and the city charter. (see pictures below).  He states during the meeting that he has never heard of them(or something to that effect).  Listen to his comments about our hearing of disputes with GRA TV staff.  Shocking. He suggests the entire Cable Review Board may resign because they don't want to be bothered with their required duties.(meeting for Cable Review Board hearings when users of GRA TV have disputes with GRA TV staff.)

Both of these films and 2 others were produced in GRA TV sudio, produced by Mark Slupe illegally(for profit making....these are commercial advertisements for private business vendors in Susy Prosapios downtown business. What a sham. Corrupt as all get out. Reason for termination.

Camp Ripley NEEDS MORRISON COUNTY PERMITS AFTER ALL.....their power grab failed.

Peacestock 2017 Bruce Gagnon speaks....a MUST LISTEN. Shocking.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Polymet land grab, Cong Rick Nolan wrote the bill, call now to stop bill

Over the 4th of July weekend Congressman Rick Nolan introduced HR 3115 to force Superior National Forest to landswap 6,650 northern Minnesota premier acres, so Polymet can create a  copper sulfide open pit mine on that land. This landgrab allows Polymet to receive the Superior National Forest land for only $550.00 per acre. The forest service appraiser was told to ignore the fact that Polymet would use the valuable land for open pit copper sulfide mining. Other mining companies have recently paid significantly higher prices to private land owners in northern Minnesota for similiar property that they want to use for mining. Thousands of these acres are IRREPLACABLE wetlands. Copper sulfide mines leach toxins into groundwaters, lakes, and  streams for centuries to come....all at taxpayer expense for the cleanup. There has NEVER been any mine, on planet earth, left the way it was before the land was raped by the mining companies. Public alway$ has to pay. Many become polluted Superfund sites.


Call these legislators today to ask them to vote NO on HR 3115.

Senator Amy Klobuchar 202-224-3244
Senator Al Franken 202-224-5641
Representative Tim Walz 202-225-2472
Representative Betty McCullom 202-225-6631

St.Gabriels hospital air ambulance helicopter poisons my property/home every time they land 7-4-17

Twice in 24 hours. Helo landed during that night at 12:22am 7-5-17...woke me up the toxic fumes were so bad in my home. Had 2 window fans running in my bedroom and hallway to cool down my house. Entire house was permeated with kerosene poison after they landed.

There are local, state and federal laws that prohibit this. I filed an official complaint recently requesting city of Little Falls enforce it's nuisance law. The law could not be more crystal clear. ///NO NOISE, ODIRS, VIBRATION, SMOKE, AIR POLLUTION, LIQUID SOLID WASTES, HEAT, GLARE, DUST OR OTHER SUCH ADVERSE INFLUENCES SHALL BE PERMITTED IN "any district" that will in ANY WAY, HAVE AN "objectionable" effect upon "adjacent or nearby property" or VIOLATE ANY STATE STATUTE. ///

 If city leaders are unwilling to enforce the law, a lawsuit will likely be filed in the future, against the city and the hospital.


Not likely anybody else would tolerate this poison in THEIR home.

How do you think the hospital would react if patients or their staff were having to inhale these poisons?

Ask the priest.....