Thursday, June 18, 2020

WARRIORIZED cops everywhere in the USA. Here are some answers as to why. What is KILLOLOGY?? read and learn

And last but not least there is the overabundance of veterans who land policing jobs, just because they are former military.  It is the Veterans Preference Act that needs to be eliminated, in order to stop this practice. 

How about a "Teachers Preference Act", or a "Garbage Haulers Preference Act"?    At least they are not trained killers. 

The blowback on our streets is directly related to the militarization of our cops and all our illegal, unethical, unconstitutional wars/occupations/drone assassinations, all over the planet.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Chase Fortier ARRESTED, Byron Smith.... "Imprisoned by Fear" by Kathy Lange, Ashley Williams, Cody Kasper, Nick Brady, Haile Kifer

 Chase Fortier is RELATED to the sheriff (at the time of the breakins and shooting).....Michel Wetzel.

No need to wonder why this case was botched.

 Is there a connection through relation, with Deputy Jamie Luberts, too????
I think so.
I will be adding to this post and making more connections.
Kathy Lange's book can be purchased at the Good Book Store in downtown Little Falls, Mn or on Amazon