Thursday, October 23, 2014


For all to know.  As part of my campaign for mayor discussions and debates, I made a data request on AUGUST 18,2014 to get the total $$$ amount LOSS OF TAXPAYER FUNDS due to failed loans or grants given out to local businesses.  Taxpayers have a right to know this information that the current mayor or city staff would NEVER VOLUNTEER.  Neither would my other mayoral candidate challenger Councilor and president of the EDA board, Greg Zylka.

When these BUSINESS WELFARE GRANTS/LOANS ARE MADE  and then go belly up....YOU AND I PAY out of our TAXPAYER $$$.

I bet you can figure out why the city is once again WITHHOLDING PUBLIC INFORMATION FROM ME. They know I will publish the info so YOU can know it! ! !

The request reads: I request to inspect ALL financial data/loans/grants/etc from the Economic Development Commission from 2000- 2014-present.

This request is more than 60 days old.  That is not likely considered a reasonable time to access public data.  Usually a one month period is considered reasonable.

For the last 3 years the city has been lax if not BELLIGERENT in retrieving data requests for me which have stifled my efforts to get this info out to the public.(you)

This is just plain unacceptable.


  1. Robin, I ask you does this help anything in the future. Do you think the owner of.the Broadway bar new they were going to go belly up when they got.the grant Nobody ever thinks they are.going to go belly up. At the time of or grant they were .living the dream.

    How does this help.with anything for the future?? Ok..So you uncover everyone who got a loan or.grant ..then went belly up....then what? Complain about how corrupt it is?

    I have yet to hear any posititve ideas.from you about things that matter to others. Not just your ideas.

    How are you going to IMPROVE the economy in little falls? How are you going to improve this town for the future of its youth? What about the splash pad? Haven you ever.attended any of those meeting? Or the neighborhood watch meetings? What about the drug problems? Welfare problems?

    These are the issues most people care about. Not whether or not a business went belly up after getting a loan or grant. That's the risk you take starting a business.

    You're like a broken record...change the subject already.

    1. Jenny....just how much "business welfare" are you willing to pay for, whether the business fails or not? Because fact is you and I and everyone else in this town are SUBSIDIZING dozens of businesses(welfare handouts) with our tax money. Why should businesses receive WELFARE??

      I attended almost every city meeting in this town for the last year including the YOUTH TASK FORCE AND L.F. AREA RECREATIONAL COMPLEX TASKFORCE, planning and zoning, HPC, EDA, library, housing, airport, work sessions and council and MORE. I am glad you are reading the blog. Make sure to check out my jobs blog and Theresa Skorseths new blog as well. The mayoral candidates KTLF radio interview will be from 9-10 a.m. on Thursday Oct. 30th on 96.0 am your radio dial. You can hear more then. I am trying to write as much information as possible but I have physical issues and my body argues with how I push the limits. The "closed ethos" must change or LF will never have economic growth. Without a SAVE OUR HOMES PROGRAM, as I suggested in 2013 there will be more home foreclosures and more tax dollars exiting our city when those homeowners move away. I am the ONLY CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR WITH NEW CREATIVE IDEAS FOR ANYTHING. Greg Zylka and Cathy VanRisseghem will continue to implement costly programs that benefit mostly businesses and their "poofy party OPPORTUNITY HOARDING click at your expense. If you wish for that to continue, just vote for one of them. If you want REAL change and a stop to selective law enforcement and racial profiling and more lawsuits(because of poorly run city committees or depts then you would be wise to vote for me. Your choice. I am not in a popularity contest....just offering to represent you better than anyone else to date. I want more opportunities and programs for those stuck in the middle and at the bottom that have not had a fair shake at OPPORTUNITY.
