Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hey Alicia Zigan and friends, TRICK OR TREAT post is ready.

It's almost ♢Halloween♢ and time for some tricks and treats for my blog readers.  Soon I will post the entire commentary thread of your "witch-hunt" gobblin friends on Facebook.  I know you can't ♡♡♡wait.  》》》Stay tuned《《《
Halloween spider with egg sack in my yard.   Look closely at the interesting pattern on it's back. 
Moon last night 10-7-14 from my backporch.


  1. Dear Robin,

    Although I have made it a point to not entertain your bizarre postings for the most part. I can not seem to fight the urge this time. I have noticed a pattern with you and your "posse".

    I have said this before and will say it again. Yes you have some valid interesting points on our city couch and local government however, what's done is done. You won your lawsuit, got your bench, and have started your running for mayor.

    Your pattern lies in that you can not seem to let the past be the past. You can not let anything go. Yes you got arrested...2 YEARS AGO!! yes you sued the CITY AND WON!! yes you are known for your signs...but NO ONE cares anymore. Every topic you have on your blog is that of the past. This to me is pure insanity. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting the same result.

    So do you think that after all you have done, posted, blogged, and televised that you are going to get any different result than before?

    Dragging on stupid topics such as "the witch hunt" and posting it on facebook is going to get you any farther than where you are as far as mayor goes...you are "frightfully " mistaken.

    I challenge you ROBIN HENSEL to stop your "madness" and start telling us "gangsters" and "witch hunters" what it is you are GOING to do in the future for this town.

    I double dog dare you.

    1. Jenny...you do realize that I am facing a jury trial for being ILLEGALLY ARRESTED in City Hall Chambers for refusing to sit in the back of the bus, right? If you read the Morrison County Record, you would have been able to see some of what I intend to do as Mayor. If you missed it, check out last weekends paper.

  2. Generally I do not read the record as I myself have been a product of their bad ameture reporting. I chose to find information elsewhere.

    And yes I am aware your are going to jury trial. However, that is not something that is going to get me to want to vote for you as mayor.

    Chose a different perspective maybe? Step outside your box. Although your views are different than mine and orhers...you are still in your "box".

    You going to trial does nothing for me or others. I think I can speak for most when I say we don't care. Those matters don't matter to us.

  3. Jenny and Alicia, the reason it is important to show what has happened, is that what has happened in the past at City Council meetings and around town, is still HAPPENING. Your lawless council will end up costing everyone more, because they refuse to obey their own ordinances(laws) and policies. Others will experience the same thing if they are not willing to "go along to get along." This is just unacceptable governance. It is no wonder we have a country out of control. This is where it all begins...at the grassroots level. When I say WAKE UP COMMUNITY, it is a warning call to everyone to pay attention. Voters have a clear choice. I am for policies and laws that are applied equally to EVERYONE, and not just some. Isn't that what you want also? My opponents BOTH VOTED TO CONTINUE funding the Sister City Committee, a CLEAR AND BLATANT MISUSE OF PUBLIC FUNDS. Doesn't that bother you Jenny and Alicia. Do you really approve of these scoundrels using your money to support a posh travel perks program for French foreigners? I sure hope not. That is just one example. Another is the council is happily going along with a Golf Advisory Committee that has been in VIOLATION OF ITS OWN LAW SINCE IT WAS CREATED IN 1989. Is that okay with you? Why is this important. Because the city owned, public Golf Course has been a boondoggle, losing public revenues for DECADES. It is in fact welfare funded cheap golf for the rich!!! Is that okay with you Jenny and Alicia? I hope not. I am for programs that help those who are struggling, and not those who are riding on public money for advancing themselves or their own businesses. The publicly subsidized(Economic Development Association taxpayer funded loan) Broadway Sports Bar cost the taxpayers in excess of $28,000.00 when it went belly up. You and I paid for that failure. Is that how you want your local government operating? In 2012 a business folded and cost the taxpayers another $44,000.00. Businesses are constantly asking for your taxpayer money, to get subsidized business loans, and if they fail, we all pay. When I was in business, I never expected anyone in this city to pay for my business, why should anyone else? Personally I believe that if a person can't make a go of it in business, without asking to ride on others nickel they shouldn't operate a business. I also believe if business owners can't pay a livable wage to their workers, they should pay their family and relatives cheap wages. I represent JUSTICE FOR ALL. I will never settle for less. Will you?

  4. Like I said before..I agree with some of your views on our city coucil. I don't think anyone would ever think it's a good idea to waste tax payers money.

    I think you b have valid points robin, however your good points get smothered by your other antics.
