Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sparks Fly Public Forum comments 12-21-15 Little Falls, Mn. city council work session

Randall Bjerkness, "Blood Money"     Carren Miller "City denies EVERYONES right to free speech, and "Why can Robin Hensel"       Robin Hensel "Father Forgive Them"

I would like to thank, both Randall Bjerkness and Carren Miller for sharing their concerns and opinions with the council and myself.  I hope you come back for every meeting. I hope all of the attendees, who have rarely or never attended before, also come back.  It takes courage to speak truth to power, and that is exactly what Randall and Carren did.  I implore others to do the same.  Why waste even the meager 3 minutes of public comment time of free speech, twice per month?  Council work sessions usually begin at 6:30pm the first and third Mondays of every month, some exceptions due to holidays. Check city website for more info or call 320-616-5500.  For the entire last 5 years plus, I am usually the only citizen who attends the meetings.  In this time, I have only missed 2 council sessions....one for illness, the other I was out of town on lawsuit business and could not attend.  I had a friend record on both of those meetings so I wouldn't miss the discussion.  Full work session uploaded next....then the full council session.  Stay tuned.

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