Saturday, December 19, 2015

Fascist anonymous commenter expresses feelings of many

Normally, I do not publish anonymous or fake name comments on my blog. The way I figure is, if people don't have the courage to write with their real name, identifying themselves with their speech, it doesn't warrant publishing. However there is content in one recent post(unpublished) that warrants attention. I believe the anonymous un-ameriKan fascist writer expressses the feelings of many locals and perhaps even councilors, mayor, city staff, the official newspaper, the local radio station and attorneys working for the city.

Here are the quotes worth noting "You shouldn't have freedom of speech. I think you've abused that right."

I think majority of this community agrees with that statement. Anyone that does, can be fairly labeled as un-ameriKan and fascist. Mr. Anonymous you're in alignment with (former council president Don Klinker) Stinker Klinkers "we don't have to listen to you" fascist response to Theresa Skorseths insistence they allow her to speak when her name and item for consideration was on the council agenda May 20,2013. The issue she wanted addressed was the ILLEGAL public funding of the Little Falls Sister City ordinance and committee. Misuse of public funds is CRIMINAL. Later the official Little Falls Sister City,  was DELETED, after Toni Wetzel city atty warned them it was very possibly illegal to use public funds to favor/entertain 25 FOREIGN TOURISTS FROM FRANCE. Klinker allowed president of former Little Falls Sister City committee, Melissa Peterson, 12+ minutes to speak about their poofy party need to grab these public funds, because they didn't want to hear what Theresa had to say.  Now THAT'$  FASCIST SPEECH if I ever heard it.

Truth is, this opportunity hoarding group of advantage takers should have been founded as a private non profit. They should have always fundraised every damn dime, just like the LeBourger sister city delegation does. They're too lazy here. Bunch of leeches on taxpayers money. The city can still be sued in a class action lawsuit for misusing public funds. I have all the proof. Tens of THOUSANDS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS over several DECADES was flushed right down the toilet. Look at my blogs on here about sister city and golf course advisory ordinance that operated ILLEGALLY for 27 years+. Are you getting the picture yet?

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