Saturday, December 26, 2015

Hensel needs our PRAYERS??? HEY BETTY PASELA....Too Many Flags flying? Betty Pasela is just pi$$ed because I insisted that the city defund the Sister City Committee.  They were mis using tens of thousands of dollars of public funds, to support a posh travel plan for NON U.S. citizens!!!   What an outrage.  Betty is one of many of the advantage taking, opportunity hoarders who are so prevalent in this town.  Betty is one who traveled to LeBourget and received public welfare money to get free lodging, free booze, free translation service, free gifts, free entertainment, free food, and more, once the Little Falls contingency reached France.  And she has the audacity to suggest that I need prayer? And then there is this...Jesus was a political threat too.   Question to Virginia is any part of what I am doing, considered divisive and sowing discord? The lesson I continue to talk about is that if our councilors continue to vote against ANYONES CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, city will continue to be sued.  And who loses then?  ALL MINNESOTA TAXPAYERS, not just Littlefallsians. Answer to your question as to how I would feel with so many angry at me...."I DON'T CARE."  Achieving social justice, equal rights, or peace has never been an easy task, and all of the wavemakers have been despised....not just me Virginia.  Pick up a history book and you will discover that Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Malcomb X, and more have been absolutely blasphemed by the society they lived in and still they plowed on to achieve justice.  Look at how BlackLivesMatter participants and leaders are treated nationwide right now.  They are one of the only movements that continues to pursue justice for African Americans.  I align with them and that is why I posted a large BlackLivesMatter sign in Veterans Park in my display on Christmas Day.

What exactly do you find offensive about my display JoAnn Johnson?

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