Saturday, August 16, 2014


As many of you are aware, the "We Support Our Troops" banner WAS ILLEGALLY ERECTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF LITTLE FALLS FOR MORE THAN A DECADE. This is a fact.  After I asked Jerry Lochner(former co-city administrator) if it was legally erected he stated "No, would you like us to take it down?"  I was shocked that he would expect me to insist the city follow it's own laws and take it down without a formal complaint.   A big hoopla ensued and as you know I received death and terroristic threats towards myself, the children in my care, my home and property. 

After February 6th City Council meeting(I didn't attend this meeting as my children were all worried that I would encounter hostility and perhaps be in physical danger), when about a dozen or so signers to a petition to keep the illegal banner up was read, I began attending almost every meeting in this city.   

During those 3 months, I could clearly see that in order to rectify the local collusion/corruption/cronyism it would be necessary to file a federal lawsuit defending my right to free speech.  I didn't want to sue but realized after speaking up at all of those meetings and being ignored, that a lawsuit would be the only way to force honest government. 

In May 2012 I hired Larry Frost to defend me after he approached Jon Tevlin of the Star Tribune that he would volunteer to represent me pro-bono.  Little did I know at that time, that Larry worked with Bruce Fein, internationally known Constitutional attorney. 

Something most folks don't know is that one month after I hired Larry and Bruce, Theresa Nelson head of the Minnesota ACLU, called me to say they had found an attorney to represent me.  Why is this important?   Because the ACLU takes on cases they think are IMPORTANT AND CAN WIN.    This should SPEAK VOLUMES TO ANYONE READING THIS.  At least the educated folks.  

I knew that sueing would create much hostility.  I knew that it would make my life hell....which it has.  I knew that I would have to develop a spine of STEEL.   I knew that from that day on, I would have to get the truth out for the public to grasp what was really happening. 

This blog is a real blessing.  I have had to learn computer skills that I had no knowledge of before this lawsuit.  I have had to become an occupier at city hall, in order to discover the ins and outs of city government.  I have had to research countless documents, and study the Data Practice Act, Open Meeting Laws, League of Minnesota rule books and dig deep into and study our City charter and laws.  

All of this has caused me to be an excellent candidate for Mayor.   I may have more knowledge on all of these subjects than your current elected officials.  From observation, many if not all of them have little or no knowledge of any of these topics/laws/etc. 

I may hold a record of attendance at local city and committee meetings.  I don't say that to boast, but merely to inform you that I am knowledgeable in many of these areas, and if I lack knowledge, I will be diligently ferreting out the truth, on any given topic going forward. 

Enough on that you know WHY I SUED.


  1. Your never going to mayor, you think you should be mayor because u had a bullshit sign rule made strict was only a problem because no one wants to see your dam arts and crafts all over your yard distracting drivers no one can read the shit anyways and go you you had a troop supporting sign taken down in a mylitary community and find that to be a reason you should be mayor no u need a psychiatric evalution and to sit in a nut house where u can play with florescent paper and markers all u want

  2. Seriously i wish shed go have her period in a shark tank ya lets have a troop supporting sign taken down in a military community and then make that a key reason to be voted mayor shes sick guys she needs psychiatric help her brain didnt fart it completely shit itself

  3. This woman needs to find the edge of the earth in a tsunami. Just sayin. Not right at all. I completely and utterly support our troops and if she don't that is her opinion but it shouldn't mean that everybody has to comply to her opinion. Just dumb. Its praising people. And showing respect. Its not vulgar or degrading in any way. She needs to friking quit and take her hippie signs down then because she killed a bunch of trees to make them. Maybe she can make herself a wagon and get the he'll out of town.

  4. People with blatant disrespect for other people's opinions or such other values should not run for mayor. Good way to disrespect a town. Just saying
