Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Dear Tom West

to the editor...I have some concerns/questions about your use of the words "defeat her" in your article titled 'Vandalizing Hensel Plays Right Into Her Hands."  I shared some of  them with Terry Lehrke today, at the Walkable Communities event at the courthouse. You state that "The only way that Hensel will ever get most law-abiding citizens on her side is if she gets sympathy because of criminal acts of theft, damage to property or violence against her."    I would like you to explain what you mean by that?   You go on to say "we think it would be far better to defeat Hensel in the marketplace of ideas and at the ballot box, than it is to take actions that suggest we don't believe in the rights outlined in the Constitution."  Who's the "we" you refer to?   Terry said YOU wrote the piece, not ECM publishers.  May I remind you that the Constitutional rights you refer to, were violated by this City, when the Council chose to refuse to grant me an advertising bench in one of two places on City Hall property. That's what Judge Kyle's ruling clearly stated.  That's why he granted me the right to a jury trial.    Why would you, or anyone wish to "defeat me?" In AmeriKa aren't we allowed to voice our opinions publicly without risking personal endangerment?   At the time you wrote that piece I had not yet filed to run for the Mayor's seat. 

 I have never attempted to get anyone on my "side."  I HAVE been attempting to let the public know my ideas/concerns for this city, country and our nation through the messages on my signs, and my public statements at City Council as well as other city meetings. I HAVE been encouraging others to attend meetings and rally against endless/unjustified war, that is bankrupting our nation.  I DID ask our council to sign the Minnesota ASAP petition, to reduce military spending so that our human needs programs have proper funding.  I DO want butter not guns.  I AM proud to call myself a peace activist.  My faith compels me to be that.  My conscience demands I whistleblow when I witness injustice/corruption.  My heart requires me to insist on challenging "community norms." 

 All of my petitions, agenda items, public forum comments, and citizen concerns, presented at Council meetings have been forward- thinking ideas that would benefit the citizenry of Little Falls.  I wonder why you did not take credit for your article, by listing yourself as the writer of that piece? 

Once again, the Morrison County Wreckord got it wrong!!  Hensel has not cost the city 100K.....your current and past city staff, current and former city attorneys and current and past city council helped in some way, violate my free speech.   Remember the fact that the "We Support the Troops" banner WAS illegally erected and maintained by the City of Little Falls for more than a decade.  That is a FACT.

Anthony Noel comments on your article: "Or how about this? Pay attention to the completely valid points she is making about war, Council collusion to silence people with opposing points of view(officials, once elected represent ALL residents, not just those who voted for them), and stop acting like y'all did in grade school."

And then there is the very interesting comment by Jeff(who was once quite strong in his criticism of me on the disqus  commentary) who replies to your article about me "At least someone in this town has the backbone to question authority, while I don't agree with all of her shenanigans, she does have some very valid points! I think her signs and lawn art draw more people/visitors/attention to this town than the so called self supporting splash pad ever will!!  Keep em' honest Robin!!" 

My response to Jeff is "We could build on that too Jeff...like I suggested at the Town 180 meeting at the CVB...we should have a SIGN CONTEST and let others in on the fun by exercising their IDEA SPEECH.  Little Falls COULD capitalize on this city created lawsuit and instead focus on encouraging laughing at it's own mistakes.  Take for example the humorous CHURCH BASEMENT LADIES.(play)  People love SATIRE.  We have the makings of a truly superb opportunity to do something wonderful with what might otherwise be continued bitter feelings in Little Falls.  Tourists might come from miles around to view resident's artistic yard art and SIGNS.  Currently there is no SIGN CAPITOL in MinneSIGNta.  It could be a real hoot.  Why not promote THAT?  Free speech should never be a DISSAPPEARING RIGHT. Soon the residents of my quaint little river town will be presented with all the ideas for the public good I have encouraged the council to consider.  The voters will decide what direction they wish their city to take.  I sincerely hope they choose transparency and justice."  

Tomorrow I will share a letter I will call Dear Kris(meaning Kris VonBerge CEO of the Convention and Visitor's Bureau.  I think you might find it interesting.  Good night.   Thanks for reading my "SIGNS" on your computer.

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