Sunday, August 24, 2014

BRUCE FEIN constitutional scholar (with permission)

Some time ago, my attorney Bruce Fein gave me permission to use anything he has said in any way I want so here goes......

On Sept. 9, 2012 he spoke about  the current state of the Republic.

"Reminded of the observation of how the Roman Republic degenerated into the Roman Empire, Tacitus chronicled "the worst crimes were DARED BY FEW, WILLED BY MORE, TOLERATED BY ALL."    The purpose of government is to enable every individual the opportunity to pursue wisdom and virtue, not to create a greater dominion for self arbitrated big brother wishing to control the world. 

We have also degenerated into an empire, where the worst crimes against the Constitution, are "DARED BY FEW, WILLED BY MORE, AND TOLERATED BY ALL."  The purpose of our government as articulated in the Declaration of Independence, our forefathers explained, we are all born with unalienable rights, just because we are born.  Freedom and liberty is the rule.  Coercion and government controls the exception. 

The purpose of government is to secure these rights...period!!!   And that when government becomes destructive of that purpose, there is a right of REVOLUTION.  Not only a right, but a duty, a DUTY!!  In other words, it's not a moral option to sit as spectator, but it's critical in order to restore our political vitality.  That means, in general, when we think about government, we think about law.  That every time that there is coercion and encroachment on your freedom to choose, which also includes as a corollary, your accountability for your own destiny, that the government must satisfy very exacting standards of urgency.  otherwise, the default position is your freedom to decide how you want to pursue your happiness and wisdom.  It's not governments to tellyou or ordain.  It's not only because it's immoral, it also creates a culture of weakness and dependency.  It's only through struggle , it's only through challenge, that our character is developed.  That are our "metal is tested."  Ultimately, our destiny and our greatness as a nation turns on the culture of values of our people. 

Virtue is the goal of any nation. Not dominion, coercion and domination.  The fear of war is the destroyer of republics.  The founding fathers understood.  But perhaps the greatest danger to the retention of the Republic WAS WAR.  The fear of war is the destroyer of republics, was not based upon some academic theory, it was based upon all history of mankind that James Madison and others had chronicled the readings and writings, that show it was the executive branch that craved concoctions of fear of war.

Because during wartime all power goes to the executor.  Taxing, spending, appointments, patriotism, jingoism, leaving your footprints in the sands of time, you're going to get transformation present.  That's what all history shows.  The consensus was unanimous in 1787, that no single individual, no group of individuals, should ever be permitted to take the country across the Rubicon, from a state of peace to a state of war. 

War makes what is customarily homicide or murder, LEGAL!!

War always destroys the rule of law.  The only institution we can trust with a judgment that is not poisoned by a CONFLICT OF INTEREST, IS THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES!

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