Thursday, July 23, 2015

Human trafficking James Rothstein retired NYC detective 7-23-15

Listen as Theresa Skorseth, moderator of Can We Talk, filmed 7-23-15 at the Little Falls, Mn Central Mn access television studio, interviews retired NYC detective Jim Rothstein and current mayor of St. Martin, Minnesota about human sex trafficking, human compromise and drugs.  We are beginning a new Mothers Against Trafficking group in this area and if you wish to join us,please call me at 320-360-3931 between 9am and 7pm any day.  If I don't answer, please leave a message...I will call you back.


  1. Knowledge of which local/state/federal power players has been involved with underage prostitutes(male and female) is a power force. Imagine how easy the administrator/legislator is to influence if they think the police have audio-visual evidence of the person's past indiscretions; the police could influence politics and legislation or even contracts. There is pretty good evidence that Hoover of the FBI utilized blackmail to stay in power.
    p.s. Robins voice comes through well, Theresa seems to have a bad microphone.

    1. Herb....wait til the other one hour show with our mystery guests is aired. What they have to say is mind blowing.

  2. How much of this have you personally checked out and confirmed?

  3. Herb....I have not confirmed or checked out any of what Jim states. Theresa and I are just giving him an opportunity to speak.

  4. My voice is clearer as I was closer to my video camera. Theresa and Jims microphone was the TV stations for their filming of this interview. I agree about the power force. Human compromise is a scary thing and a useful tool to blackmail.
