Monday, September 29, 2014


 This obviously illegal off premise Zion Lutheran Church aluminum cans sign(photo taken 9-17-14), is located close to the downtown dam, and was reported months ago, to the zoning officer Ben Oleson, and is still being allowed.   Why?   This and the next picture are obvious, glaring examples of selective/illegal enforcement of the sign ordinance. 

 This illegal off premise Boy Scout pop can collection sign(photo taken 9-27-14) is on Coborn's parking lot property and was reported months ago to Ben Oleson, the zoning administrator.   Why is it still allowed? 

This certainly doesn't look good for Coborn's to have an illegal sign on their premises.

Now don't get me wrong folks. I am not opposed to either of these signs if the ordinance allowed them legally.   However, the restrictive sign ordinance forbids ANY OFF PREMISE SIGNS. 

These two billboards(photo taken 9-18-14) are erected on City of Little Falls, Mn. land on the northeast side of town and borders highway 371.  There was discussion of these at a city council meeting a few months ago, and they are likely illegal off premise billboards.   These signs were reported as being illegal off premise signs and are still erected.

 I hope others will call on the city to get all the dozens of illegal signs in town, into compliance. 
Here is another illegal off premise Boys n Girls pop can collection sign in front of Donna's Big Jim restaurant on the west side of town.   This sign was also reported months ago to Ben Oleson the zoning administrator for Little Falls and is still allowed. 

Again, let me repeat.  I am NOT OPPOSED TO ANY OF THESE SIGNS, except that the sign ordinance forbids them and so they must come into compliance.  Laws need to be enforced fairly and uniformly.  Period.  No exceptions.


  1. Billboards are a highway department business not a city business...

    1. Collin Zapzalka....thanks for your comment, but you missed a key point. This billboard is located on CITY OF LITTLE FALLS OWNED PROPERTY, and the billboards are not advocating for anything associated with the city, so this is an ILLEGAL OFF PREMISE SIGN WITHIN THE CITY OF LITTLE FALLS BORDERS. UNLESS THE CITY HAS FOUND SOME WAY TO SKIRT THE LAW AGAIN(WHICH THEY ARE GOOD AT) THIS IS AN ILLEGAL SIGN AND AN OBVIOUS EXAMPLE OF SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW, WHICH IS NOT ACCEPTABLE IN MY BOOK. Don't you believe Collin, that all laws should be followed and enforced the same for everyone...not just some? Isn't that really the American way? Isn't that what a true patriot would insist on?

    2. While laws should be enforced I think this is ridiculous. All they are are signs. Promoting donated cans. Obviously it's not hurting anyone.

    3. Collin...neither were my signs hurting anyone. I was just promoting peace, and listed issues that are of concern for our nation and it's citizenry. Are you saying that you believe the illegal off premise signs should not be enforced because you like those signs or they are not hurting anyone?

  2. Look at your yard. It is the most crowded lot in town! You really can't figure out why people don't particularly care for you and your "look at me " antics. Please leave this lovely little "old fashioned " town alone. Please?

  3. Omfg. I am so sick of looking at all the shit about you. I personally don't give a fuck about some signs. And obviously neither does anyone else. Get over your self. No one cares what you think. Your a disgrace to this town.

  4. A reminder to all commenters on this blog. I will not respond to anyone registering to comment without their real name posted for everyone to see. Time for complete sunlight. No more slinking around behind closed doors or in the dark. The use of foul language will be left up for all to see as well, but remember, with computer technology, anybodys posts are traceable to the writer. So if you don't wish to be outed eventually, best watch what you say. Just sayin

  5. so you are threatening people now way to go for someone of your age you sure act like a child throwing a fit cause you aren't getting attention and you think you have a chance as mayor lol and I see you don't like people posting because you delete peoples post one of my previous ones about the stupidity coming out of your mouth you cant handle when people dish it back to you but you can give it to people kinda one sided you are any way I really think you should grow up and quit fishing for signs not fallowing the law and focus on the real problems in a town if you wanna find law breakers become a cop other wise let them do there job and you worry about you

    1. dillvilin....please tell me where you think I have threatened anyone. I am curious why you would say that.

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