Monday, September 29, 2014

I am not ALONE.

The following pictures are of David Petrovichs' home and property in Oakhurst, New Jersey.  These photos are all recent. He affixed numerous signs right onto the sides of his house siding.  He is that passionate about the problems facing our nation.  He used his property to exercise his right to free speech and now he is being threatened with a summons. His city may not have even had a sign ordinance before he was sent a letter.   His city has mandated he remove his signs that are erected right on his home and his fences, trees and in his yard.

 A friend alerted me about his situation.  He is a graduate of Rutgers University and wanted to project his ideas through signs, similar to mine. He is also the executive director for the Society for the Preservation of Homeownership, Oakhurst, New Jersey.

This is grassroots democracy in action.

 These are just a few of his many signs.  On a fairly regular basis I get calls from others(some local and some a distance away) with issues with sign enforcement and other problems they are encountering. They ask for my help. 

1 comment:

  1. One or 2 signs is better than the bunch you had. I couldn't read what you had because you had so many. By the way, you house looks much better with the signs gone.
