Sunday, September 14, 2014

attention Dillon Wuellner, Josh Stumpf, Jenny Allen-Fitek, Alicia Zigan and the public....

Today I received an email from:      

I do not know this person.  He did not have enough courage to sign his name. 

The email reads as follows: "you have got to be the most delusional person in town. do you really think anyone wants to hear what you have to say? or would even think of voting for you as mayor? you should hear what most people think of you.  they say you need to see a shrink, but I doubt one would see you for fear of being sued.  you need to stop being such a c**t      get rid of all that s**t in your yard and on the street in front of your house.  no one gives a f**k about you.   the whole town would rejoice if you moved away"

Does anyone in town approve of this sort of  'debate'(whether you approve of me or not)?

Does anyone know who this person is?

My email address is        

Feel free to contact me directly.


  1. Just me again. I see a very frustrated citizen here. He hasn't threatened you in any way. He just seems to be very upset and perhaps a poor choice of words. I do have to say that many citizens are afraid to speak for fear of being sued. This I can agree with. As for your yard yes I can agree that it is very distracting to drivers and in my opinion hazardous. Using your little trailer to slander and threaten citizens and public officials is wrong let along treating to take more money from our city and functions. I don't see how you can call yourself a constructive/pro-active person in the community. Please enlighten me?

  2. Why did you address this blog to those specific 4 people? Do you think they are the only people in this community that don't agree with the way you go about things? If that is what you honestly believe you are blinding yourself from reality.

  3. And also, all of your slander comments... Is all you seem to focus on lately is a select group on individuals, you continually calling them out on false accusations or assuming they said/did things they didn't do is also slander. So practice what you preach.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I did personally email robin this morning and have not received a response. I am not sure why I was tagged in this particular blog but..I am assuming because we have all expressed our opinion on her running for mayor and how we think it is comical...apparently that means this person is a friend of ours.

    Like i told robin in my email ...i like to use my big girl words regardless of the debate. Using profanities is not something I do often in a public post.

    Assuming someone is associated with a certain group because of similarities in speech or looks is profiling. And to me that is foolish

  6. A person has contacted me to say they believe they know who craigfor@hotmail is
