Tuesday, September 22, 2015


MIKE STRACK is a bartender at Main Gate Bar and Grill for CRUELLA,
PUPPY MILL OPERATOR of Clearwater Kennel, and owner of Main Gate Bar and Grille with her 2 sons and ex hubby Gary McDuffee. This explains alot.
Take a look at the signs currently on my van for the last 2 weeks.
Sometime last night 9-21-15 between 6pm and 9pm Michael Strack
parked his stepvan on the other side of the street in front of my house 807 First St. SE Little Falls, Mn. He did NOT have the required license plate

video recorded around 9:30 pm on 9-21-15
on the back of the stepvan. After the LFPD came and took pictures and marked the tires, Mike and a buddy showed up on bicycle a short time later, to install the license plate that is mandatory.

My 2 newest sign erected at 2pm 9-23-15   HEY LITTLE FALLS.......I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE sick of my opinion.  Haven't you figured that out yet?

Here are the signs front and back.


  1. I think he will help draw attention to your opinions.

  2. He probably doesn't understand that what he calls opinions are actually verifiable facts.
