Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Robin Hensel questions Greg Kimman about SEH mandatory filing of donation to city/discounted design of Little Falls Area Recreational Complex

I thought I would just question him about this, to see if SEH, the firm Greg formerly worked for, prior to getting picked to be the public works director for Little Falls.   I checked going way back in the donation records that are in the council packet, (on all the donations to the city) and did not see SEH listed.   I wonder why they didn't fill out a donation form?   Former Mayor Cathy VanRisseghem stated publicly that SEH had cut the rate charged to the city by something like 4k.   That's a pretty large donation.   Greg has attended every city council work session and council meeting in the last 3 years that I have been attending, so why didn't he know this was a necessity and more importantly, why didn't he have the company file a donation form?   Perhaps they did and I didn't see it.  If so, he will let me know.  I will not forget to check in with him next meeting to hear results.  2-2-15 work session

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