Saturday, June 11, 2016

Little Falls City Council/staff sly devils. Change law to suit their purpose.

 Bruce Smith and Bill Andersons lawsuit against the city of Little Falls and Roach Developers, LLC....has NOT even been settled yet, but by the time they've had their day in court, this newly passed ordinance will be in place and enforcable. No coincidence here. The city has changed the law/ordinance specifically to allow the Roach rental units  in question(the 4-plexes and community room building that Roaches own)development off DeRosier Drive. Now that the city staff/attorney/administrator/zoning administrator/planning commission (led by Councilor Frank Gosiak, with Council president Jeremy Hanfler and a few cohorts by his side) have devised a clever way to conveniently SKIRT the very laws they are supposed to uphold. The Roach development that was illegal before this ordinance change, will now pass with flying colors.  I could be all wrong, but I believe this is what'$ really going on.
 City paid THOUSANDS of taxpayer $$$ just a couple years back, to have an professional ordinance audit, (when Dan Vogt was the part time city administrator), to weed out bad/poorly written ordinances. But evidently the changes weren't enough to satisfy the group in charge.

Same type law changes were made during my lawsuit against the city for violating my right to free speech. Their own illegally erected/paid for and maintatined for more than 10 years "We Support Our Troops" banner, was rehung legally, after they changed the business zoning district title it had hung in for all thosr years, from an historic preservation district, to a B-2, where any type of banners, signs could now be legally erected.

See how this works?

Most recently a brewery law was changed to accommodate the request of 2 local men to operate a brewery that can produce a way larger amount of beer than a brewpub.

Not that long ago, major ordinance changes were made to accommodate an illegal restaurant/hotel that had been operating without ANY city permit to do so, for decades. It now operates legally, because the council/staff/planning commission/zoning administrator/city attorney, all worked diligently to write a "Bed and Breakfast" ordinance to allow this business to continue without a hiccup.

If they like you, or your
business proposal, they will jump through hoops for you, like the "circus clowns" they are.

Another year, different issues, but life goes on "under the big tent"....not much different than years before.

I have an inkling why this is. The price tag for consequences/violationshas not been high enough yet.

That may change.

All they really have to do is be honest. Treat everyone fairly. Operate "above the board." How hard can that be?

Come November, VOTE THE BUMS OUT.  

Littlefallsians.....your council is LAWLESS !!!!!!!

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