Monday, October 5, 2015

What's your beef?

Here's your chance to express YOUR viewpoints and why they differ from mine. Mike Strack, Dick Norton(who signed the van twice and who drove up while we were filming on Friday),Zeno Cassavan(soldier who signed the van) or anyone else who has an interest in joining Theresa Skorseth and I at the public access tv studio, for a Can We Talk episode to be broadcast shortly following filming. I want to know, what's your beef?   Anybody up for the challenge? You can leave a comment on this blog, email me at or call me at 320-360-3931 between 9am and 6pm.


  1. I refuse to come on your show. I am too chickenshit to sit and explain my shaky mental health issues related to your free speech claims!

  2. Little Fallsians....can you comprehend the meaning of Herbs comment....I am not going to hold my breath.
