Sunday, October 11, 2015

Since Fred and Ethel Mertz aka Fred and Kathy Festler (mouthpiece of INTOLERANCE)and Alderman Brad Hircock can, so can you....feel free to put signs in road right of way, ANYTIME.

Listen and learn LITTLEFALLSIANS........Muslims are NOT the enemy....your corrupt terroristic US govmint IS !!!!  Wake up community.  Wake up haters!!!!! Your Polish and German IMMIGRANT/refugee great grandparents and grandparents were suspected communists and despised at one time too. How much longer til you "get it?"  

An interesting fact......yesterday, once again, these 2 knowingly broke the law by violating the sign ordinance and had 2 garage sale signs in the road right of way, all day long.
 Pics taken 10-9-15 around 1pm
A complaint was made at 1:41 PM Friday 10-9-15 and the signs were still erected at 4:50pm.  Sooooooo what this means LITTLE FALLS is that since Fred and Ethel get to break the can YOU.

LITTLEFALLSIANS are in no danger of getting a citation for having garage sale signs in the road right of way.  This is but one great example there are 2 sets of laws, depending on who you are.

Now today, the oddest thing if all....Fred and Ethel put ONE sign on their windshield(that had been on road right of way), but LEAVE the other ILLEGAL sign up on their neighbors property.
Pics taken 10-10-15 around 11am
What kind of cops show favoritism towards SOME? Did Rhonda Monnier(crabby pants dispatcher) actually TELL the officers on duty about these signs, and if so, why didn't they CONFISCATE the signs and take them back to the police station, as ordered by Chief Schirmers?


  1. seems pretty unprofessional of your local law enforcement...sooner or later the city will get sued and all will pay for unequal enforcement

    1. Agree Herb.....but Fred and Ethel are just like Kathy Barthel, dispatcher for LFPD who felt she was above the law and TWICE violated the sign ordinance, even after being sent a warning letter for the first offense. 3 neighbors within 2 blocks of my home and countless others, feel above the law and have REPEATEDLY violated the sign ordinance, and violate the on street parking restrictions that state clearly, vehicles must be moved every 24 hours. Wait til I publish the results of the crimes committed against me. Coming soon.
