Friday, April 8, 2016

Jaylani Hussein 4-7-16 CAIR on Muslims in Minnesota and Islamophobia BIG $$$

Video of the event  is at bottom of post.  Directly below, is a better look at the audience. Very short video to observe who attended.
Ron Branstner is in the purple shirt.  He is one of the speakers who is spreading fear/hate about Muslims. Google his name.
Islamaphobia is BIG BUSINESS raking in an astounding amount of $$$$. The same is true for other form$ of fearmongering.
4-7-16 Central Lakes College, Brainerd, Mn .....thanks Jaylani for a great presentation, as always.


  1. Is Islamaphobia the same as anti-Semitism? Depends on your bias. so. All religions deserve the same level of respect.If you are critical of Judaism are you anti-Semitic? If you criticize Islam are you Islamaphobic? If you criticize Mormons are you....? If you criticize the WAR(White Aryan Resistance) are you anti-white? My point is that criticism may qualify you for name calling or labeling by people who don't accept freedom of speech and would (if they could), prohibit the speech they don't like.

  2. Quite obviously there are many phobias but, the labels are not usually accurately applied just to phobias, but to any criticism.
