Monday, April 4, 2016

ATTENTION BRITTANY HARNACK....this is the critical interview with Coleen Rowley former FBI

Brittany and everyone else.....please listen to this 1 hour radio interview with Coleen Rowley, former FBI whistleblower and Times magazine person of the year 2002.  She tells it as it is. How the American public has been completely duped by the military machine and the media.   If you don't listen to anything else I post, please listen to this will inform you as to what is REALLY wrong with our nation.

Here is a great article about former soldier Rory Fanning, who walked across America to earn a MILLION DOLLARS for the Pat Tillman Foundation, after he finished his military service.  Pat Tillman is the soldier who was killed by friendly fire, but the military lied about it, and said he was killed by enemy fire.  Sometime after lying about it, the military changed their tune, and said it was our own soldiers that had accidentally killed Pat Tillman.  Rory is a hero, and was treated terribly, by Trump supporters AFTER they found out he was one of the protestors.  Prior to finding that out, Trump supporters thanked him for his service.  Read it and learn....please.  


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