Wednesday, April 6, 2016

BREAKING NEWS ALERT ☆☆UPDATED☆☆☆..Craig Van Brickey hearing/sentencing 4-6-16

Earlier today I attended the hearing and sentencing of Craig Van Brickey, for 4th degree damage to my property on Christmas Day 2015, (at my legal antiwar seasonal display at Veterans Memorial Park, Little Falls, Mn.)   He bent a pole and wrecked my sign that read "Who would Jesus bomb".  I will soon post the sentencing requirements and all that he agreed to in his plea agreement. I am awaiting an email from Amber Kusler from the Morrison County attorneys office, so I get all the facts accurate.

I asked to be allowed to sit in the witness stand so I could face Craig while giving my victim statement. My words to him were "So Craig, who WOULD Jesus bomb?"  Then he asked "what?" I repeated those words again, and before his attorney could stop him he answered "no one." I was glad he said that.

I am happy to report that Craig apologized for what he did, in his closing comments to Judge Anderson. He also willingly accepted my handshake offer in the hallway after the hearing.  I told his attorney I appreciated Craigs apolog

I appreciate the work of Amber Kusler and am satisfied with the outcome. I hope this will begin a new chapter in Craigs life. I feel that I received justice. Thank you to Craigs attorney as well.

Watch this post for the sentencing requirements that I will post very soon.