Thursday, June 11, 2015

Dan Vogt ...a parting gift. Dedicated to Jake Wiherski

Jake, you will chuckle I bet. Some others will not understand so I will explain.  Councilor Loren Boyum is my Ward 1 representative, but he made the claim early 2013 that he didn't represent me. "Not you" he said after I questioned what he said .....that he didn't represent me????(See video above for his comment) He is a former Army soldier, recruiter for the Job Shadow program for the school district AND Camp Ripley, and has been adament and disrespectful to myself and ANYONE challenging their "war training" and or complicity in war crimes. He has reaped many $$$ from the military industrial war complex, without any regard to the false Christian ethics he exudes.  Christ himself would be ashamed.  There are red letter scriptures that MANDATE WE LOVE OUR ENEMIES. One other important matter is that Boyums church ,Grace Covenant, had NO PERMITS FOR ANY OF THEIR SIGNS ON THEIR PROPERTY, and didn't get any, until there was a public complaint. What a stellar example of blatant hypocrisy.

Dan Vogt city administrator is on his way out, after serving as part time administrator for 2+ years.  He hasn't even urged the council to develop a conflict of interest and ethics policy, even though he convinced his last full time employer(city of Brainerd, Mn) to implement one.(as recommended by League of Mn Cities). He of course caused the main disturbance(along with Mayor Van Risseghems friends and family members) by being very vocal/loud AND critcal of my exercise of free speech in city hall chambers on June 3, 2013, when I took my grievance for redress of government to the local body to complain and educate on the illegality and HORROR of our drone assassinations, and poisoning of citizens of sovereign nations (because of our illegal invasion of their countryIraq), from our bombs we dropped containing depleted uranium and white phosphorus. ( say nothing of the deadly effects to our own soldiers). City hall is a most appropriate place to publicly condemn our US shameful war crimes. No matter what he thinks of my views, tactics or anything else, he should not be allowed to denegrate anyones character, while under a citys employ. He has acted discriminately a number of times and has set the example for the council, that it's ok for them to follow suit. No it's not Dan. Shame on YOU!

Council President Jeremy Hanfler with the orange elf hat with purple polka dots, called me a "retard" after a council meeting with the council chamber still full of attendees/councilors, and my videocam running. This happened the same night he placed a popcan in front of the lens of one of my cameras, like a perverted 4th grader.  He of course, amongst many of the present council, who voted (violating my constitional right) to have an advertising bench in one of 3 places on city hall property.

Newly appointed councilor Gerald Knafla belongs to Zion Lutheran Church, (who has violated the sign ordinance by displaying an illegal off premise directional sign on somebody elses property, received a warning letter) and recently posted 2 off premise illegal signs for their mens supper.
Councilor Frank Gosiak, with the other orange hat, is of course the former mayors brother and professional manipulator of truth.  He'$ one of the main leaders of the "go along to get along"gang.  He also voted NO on my lawsuit settlement, even though Judge Kyle clearly ruled the Council had VIOLATED MY right to free speech on an advertising bench.  This should speak volumes!

Mayor Greg Zylka with the pink hat, laughed at Don Klinker,(former council president) when Don said to me "why aren't you out of the country" after I told council that if they were offended by the images if dead children that our US drones assassinated, they should research the atrocities our soldiers were committing in other countries.  Greg stated he had never made fun of me or laughed at me, (right after he was elected), but oops my camera was running and he got caught doing just that!  Time will tell if our mayor cares little or lots about endless war, and how that affects every Littlefallsian.
He cared not about signing onto the MN ASAP resolution to slash military spending, even though he was informed how much our endless aggressive wars have cut local and state funds for critical infrastructure and human needs programs. That should give you a clue. Greg is married to Camp Ripley, and in bed financially, because his employer reaps mightily from soldiers and Camp Ripleys purchases.

Leif Hanson is insistent that city funds ( still held for the former Sister City city committee, that spent tens of THOUSANDS OF PUBLIC FUND$, illegally without a public purpose) be given to the new non public, non profit sister city group....knowing that violates State Auditor policies.  He is also former military and does not object(same as all other councilors and mayor) to Camp Ripleys Economic and Environmental Statement presented to council each year, even though it has NOTHING TO DO WITH delivery of city services. He also told me recently "what do you expect when you call us clowns"..../when I asked him if he thought Dan Vogt and Lori Kasella(city finance officer) rude and distasteful response to my legitimate question about a costly mistake (DeRosier Drive screwup not sending out property owner notices) a city staff made/, was appropriate.  I asked him if he thought anyone else in city hall chambers had been treated like that, if that would have been acceptable.  He never answered.

Councilors Brad Hircock and Wayne Liljegren, I have no beef with, except that they and all other councilors are guilty of violating the Golf Advisory Board ordinance, that ALL COUNCILORS, MAYORS, CITY ATTYS, AND GOLF COMMITTEE MEMBERS are guilty of violating and EVERYONE of them gets off scott free.  That'$ how it works roun'hea.  They ignore, skirt, change, subvert or DELETE laws they aren't willing to follow or enforce. Crooked. Just plain crooked.

This council remains LAWLESS.  All that changed are the faces.

Is it any wonder I call this the City of CLOWNS?

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