Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Raquel Lundberg WALLER HOUSE BED AND BREAKFAST in violation of their conditional use permit?????

Listen to the public hearing that was held on Nov. 12, 2014 for the Waller House Bed and Breakfast conditional use permit.  That was a year ago.  Notice the photos below that show that they have not made any more required parking places.  They have to have parking for all 10 of their tea by appointment customers and a parking space for each of their rooms for rent.  So at a minimum they must have 13-15 parking spaces to legally accommodate the business their conditional use grants.  But they have not.   Remember, they also held an illegal event "business after hours for Chamber of Commerce" in March of 2013 and were told by letter from Ben Oleson that they  must refrain from holding any more events like it.  Waller House cond. use permit only allows them to have teas by appointment between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm.   The chamber event was held between 4:30pm and 6 pm.  Now why would they PURPOSELY AND KNOWINGLY VIOLATE THE LAW???  Because they knew they could???  Or do they too, feel above the law?

there are clearly nowhere close to the needed parking slots available here....and more importantly, NOTHING HAS CHANGED on their property since 2013.  I have photos to show the same areas in fall of 2013 until now.  These photos were taken on Nov. 3, 2014. 
On May 16, 2014 Ben Oleson sent a letter to the Lundbergs stating in part; "In regards to your required parking plan(the requirement to submit an off street parking plan be approved by staff), I understand that it had been discussed previously that you had one year to meet this condition under section 11.04.D.4 of the city code.  I would recommend that we meet prior to the public hearing to develop this plan so that it can be fully implemented this summer, and we can avoid any issues with that not being met prior to the one year deadling.

Now why on earth would any business knowingly violate their conditional use permit? 

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