Sunday, November 23, 2014

2-13-13 Sister City opportunity hoarders ANYTHING BUT "KIND"

This group is a shining example of why some people in Little Falls started a "KINDNESS CAMPAIGN" some time ago.  When people have to be asked to be decent to one another, that's a major clue that something is really WRONG.  Don't you think?  These people are some of the "poofy party opportunity hoarding" clique in town, and frankly I am embarrassed at their behavior.   They really felt they had no obligation whatsoever to accommodate anyone, (especially me), who is disabled to travel to LeBourget, France with them.  Judge for yourself, what is really going on here.   Mike Schnider, who later became the president of this group, is a Todd County prosecutor.  Todd county is just west of Morrison county and Little Falls.  It was he, who was allowed to speak to council, at length, as to their dilema without fundraising capability.  Truth is, this younger group of opportunity hoarders, just didn't want to work for their accommodations in France.   They did minimal to fundraise during the 4 years prior to their trip to France.   How do I know this?  Because I have all the minutes and began attending almost every meeting for the last 3 years.   Of course they don't want to hear what I have to say, because I called them out on not having a valid PUBLIC PURPOSE.   There never was one.   All this program ever did, was subsidize a small group of Littlefallsians and French folks to have a nice perks travel plan that they could enjoy at the expense of the majority of people in Little Falls.   Approximately 20-25 people on either side of the ocean benefited from this program, and nobody else.   This should have always been a legitimate non-profit, and the City of Little Falls attorney should have known better.  It has always been the law to show a valid public purpose when spending PUBLIC FUNDS.    Take a look at the video for yourself.   Melissa Peterson(the president at the time this video was made) likes to talk down to me.   She is the representative of the Lindbergh Center.   She is not fit to be in that position.   It is obvious she feels above others.   I wonder how long she will be able to hold that position with that kind of an attitude? 

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