Saturday, May 2, 2015

Scott Atran on Youth, Violent Extremism and Promoting Peace ATTENTION KATE FESTLER...spewer of hate towards Muslims

Scott Atran on Youth, Violent Extremism and Promoting Peace  Kate Festler, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.   Some Chri$tian.....NOT!!!!!   You are as far from Christ, as the east is from the west.   You are a stain on the true followers of Christ and He, Himself.  You are the reason masses are leaving the church, right and left alike.   Decent, moral people, see right through your hypocri$y.

Perspective - Yo cop haters and Looters, keep it real.
Time to decide if you are being manipulated by the Hate Handle screwed into the top of your head - and whose "agenda" it serves.

From my friend, Coleen Rowley.....Kate Festler.... pay close attention to her words......

Does everyone remember the two Senators who, back in 2011, pushed through their resolution launching the "No Fly Zone" bombing campaign that destroyed Libya and turned it into a haven and breeding ground for extremism? KIRK and (the now indicted) MENENDEZ, the same two who are pushing against nuclear diplomacy and for war on Iran. The bigger question is why are the other Senators still allowing these warmongers and criminals to lead them by the nose? Why don't Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar, for example, take the responsibility of saying they are finished with listening to neocon warmongers who have been repeatedly proven disastrously wrong?! It's just so frustrating to see how many "leaders" let themselves be manipulated or held hostage by those who have repeatedly shown themselves to be psychopaths. -- Coleen Rowley

The Senate unanimously approved a nonbinding resolution on Tuesday calling for the United Nations Security Council to impose a no-fly zone over Libya and urged Libyan leader Muammar el-Qaddafi to resign...

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