Saturday, May 16, 2015

" Big top" circus tent arrives to create desired "tourism" in Little Falls. Not a bad idea. Jake Wiherskis last sentence reads "Maybe, for the sake of tourism, Little Falls should put a "big top" over the whole city, purchase year-around carnival rides, elephants, tigers and bears, and call it a circus."  While he was at it, Jake should have asked why the city council meetings are not posted on the city website yet?   Why is it that the council does not want the work sessions publicized, since these are open to the public meetings.  What is it that they want to keep in the dark?  You can now watch the work sessions that I am recording, on local channel 180, at 9 AM every Tuesday and Saturday morning, if you have Charter TV in Little Falls.  The writer asks the question of city staff, why wasn't a current photo of the new council posted on the city website before now?   Let's see now, when was Jerry Knafla picked to fill Greg Zylkas position?  How many months ago was that?   It's not like they hire a professional photographer to take the official picture.  Lori Kasella took the photo, and it wasn't taken until the last council meeting, held on May 4, 2015.  Go figure.  Tis how they do things roun hea'.  Backwards and slow.  City employees that work at city hall, are paid waaaaay too much money, for the less than stellar job that they have and are continuing to get by with.   Pathetic.

As I have said before, with good reason, this is the City of Clowns. That is being acknowledged by someone else now, and for a much lesser city hall failure, than what I have pointed out over the past 4+ years. 

The Little Falls 8 (former and current), may rise further in the media in the near future, for a variety of reasons.  Time will tell. 
In the City Council packet for Monday nights meeting 5-18-15, the desired qualifications/requirements are listed for the new city administrator.  I wonder who that lucky candidate will be, and if she or he is really up to the task?   Of course, the ability to work on helping the council revise the comprehensive plan and ordinances is amongst the requirements.  Good luck.

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