Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Marguerite Cofell UPDATED WITH sentencing date 12-3-19 COURT DOCUMENTS charged with EMBEZZLEMENT from St.Francis Credit Union 2.5 MILLION +

And this may be her fate... .or worse

Marguerite Mary Cofell may be seeing the inside of a prison cell for a very long time.....and may come out broke.

I wonder who else they will nail? Don't you?

What will be the fate of Carrie Zupko?

And WHO IS J.H........see below court documents. The rest of the court documents are sealed, but as soon as they are available, I will be posting them. You don't suppose J.H. is a well known local businessman do you??


  1. Dear Robin Hensel,
    I'm wondering, why has Cofell not spent a day behind bars yet? She was arrested way back in 2014. Why has it taken this long, and she continues to have some of the most powerful jobs in Morrison County?

    I thought federal cases went fast, but this one seems to be taking a long time. Is the fact that she was only recently indicted part of the corruption? P.S. thank you for investigating this.

  2. I do not usually publish anonymous posts, but when I believe it is in the public interest, I will.
