Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Bombs Bursting in Air. Mayor Greg Zylkas war machine glorification/opportunity hoarding/advantage taking RIDES AGAIN.

Problem is.....troops are trained to blow $hit up and kill anything that moves. I am sick to death of the myth that war makes us safer. We should thank our troops for committing acts all over the world that make us hated¿¿¿¿ I don't think so. Many vets feel embarrassed when they are thanked, because their conscience knows that alot of what they did was just flat out wrong. Notice the first ad in the Ripley Reporter is a Little Falls Coborns ad. Newly elected Mayor Greg... Zylkas long time employer. NO SURPRISE THEY GET THIS SPOT. He i$ a $ell out to the Military Indu$trial Complex if ever there was one. He'$ on every committee and board for miles around that promotes the war machine and it'$ soldiers who suffer from their participation. What a crock. Also notice Rep. Ron Kresha instructing everyone to "support our troops." Typical $ell out politician. Remember....Camp Ripley is the largest Minnesota military base and trains Shadow drone operators to fly these as lethal tools of death. They have been weaponized Ralph Emmerson's photo.Since 2008 and able to carry 5-13.5 pound bombs since 2010. They are cleared by international treaty to carry and fire these bombs. Of coarse you would never get that information from Col. St. Sauver, head brass at Ripley. He would have you believe the soldiers operating them would never use them other than for surveillance and reconnaissance. In fact, the Armys plan for the future is to use smaller drones in SWARMS because they are cheaper to purchase and to operate. Besides that, swarms of smaller drones will in the future prove to be more effective killers. More on this topic real soon
Coleen Rowley Yes, the country has become fully militarized. Americans of all stripes, including liberals, have become as brainwashed as the citizens of prior military empires that their killing not only makes them safer but also that US military interventions are for purposes of preventing genocides, upholding human rights and democracy promotion around the world. As long as Americans are protected from the costs of war, i.e. higher taxes, casualties and the Draft, they go along with the kind of self-appointed policeman of the world role which allows them to believe in the Empire's good intentions of helping others.

The truth is the opposite, the wars of aggression are for purposes of controlling resources and profitting from war. But the lies are half-way around the world while the truth gets its pants on ---Mark Twain
Problem is the troops are not trained to "keep the peace" but to blow things up and KILL EVERYTHING THAT MOVES. 
  Local ADVERTISERS/politicians...... ARE wrapped IN THE FLAG
.......killing everything that moves.
Now that'$$$  some patrioti$m****

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