Friday, January 30, 2015

Sister City Inc. continues WITHOUT CITY FUNDING. Susy Prosapio letter to me included.

In her own words, Susy Prosapio states: "The City Council had a legitimate concern on two fronts.  One is people acting on behalf of the city being involved with fundraising.  Two, are we being clean with the money, making sure the money from these fees is used for public benefit."

Now see for yourself how this compares with her words in her letter sent to me. And don't miss the video of her citizen appeal on 9-22-13 where she encourages the city council to continue funding the Sister City committee illegally, in violation of the State Auditors law that says public funds must be spent only on items that include a public purpose.  I think savvy folks can see clearly what is going on here.  Susy clearly wanted to keep the public funding for this committee, so the committee wouldn't have to give up their luxury benes when they arrived in France that included free housing, free interpretive services, free gifts, free entertainment, free booze, free transportation, and more.  This committee clearly did not want to work hard and do the fundraising either.  It is illegal for any government to fundraise, solicit gifts or give public funds without showing a public purpose.   City and this committee guilty on all counts.  Shame on you should know better.    Susy is close friend with the new mayor Greg Zylka and has been his campaign organizer in the past.   Greg Zylka and the other council members voted to continue funding the Sister City committee, even after being warned about the illegality of it.   Lawless city council.   Gregs hands are dirty.   And now Susy pretends she ever cared about "being clean with the money?" Ya right. 

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