News reporter not allowed inside the processing facility. Myself and 2 other whistleblowers denied entry. Reaks of suspicion.
Video below is final deal. City sells 52 acres to BARRETT for one dollar. Passes unanimously. You have all of them, Carol Anderson, and all members of EDA city and county boards to thank when you can't stand the stench of extruded dogfood anymore, or they bottom out and YOU have to foot the bill again.
Below ...part 1 of council meeting and work session 7-1-19
I am outraged that our most vulnerable special needs students will be educated and play outside on their playground (in back on the east side of the new MidState Education Building that is not yet complete) right across the street and DOWNWIND from the proposed 160,000 sq ft Barret Petfoods Innovations dogfood extruding plant. That's just a little smaller than our gigantic And lookie here who rigged up this deal, and pushed it through. Your one and only mayor Greg Zylka(also Sourcewell board member and former District #482 School Board member)
Walmart store which is 207,000 sq ft. Who wants to buy the worst dogfood on planet earth....extruded dogfood? That's the kind Barrett manufactures. See the video link to hear all about it.
They are going to be surrounded by stink from every direction.
Who's idea was this anyway? Carol Anderson Morrison County EDA? Mayor Greg Zylka? Lori Kasella city finance director? Jon Radermacher city administrator? Stephen Jones school district #482 superintendent? The school board? MidState school board? Loren Boyum(has been with MidState and former councilor)? Shame on anyone who had their hands in this rotten deal for our kids.
This has to be one of the biggest blunders in Little Falls, Mn. history.
What a sham. Cronyism at it's worst. Greg Zylka announces yesterday at the EDA mtg that his brother was just hired at Barret 3 weeks ago. Think that's an accident? This same brother John, who used to work for Falls Distributing, Larson Boats, and I am told, Mala Mills, sure seems to bounce around a lot.
Barrett family says they value community and give back....yes but only to some they like. They very verbally opposed a necessary half way house proposed in 2017 for addicts that need a transitional place to stay and get their feet on the ground, before finding employment and returning to society. Barretts opposed it. Only "THEIR'' family matters, evidently. Shameful., they're a decent family alright. In who's eyes? Not mine.
Some kind of peas are growing on the 52 acre site Barret (below) is buying from the city. They use yellow peas in their petfoods. Think it's coincidental that peas are the crop here this year?
It is morally wrong to do this, regardless if it's all legal.
The wetlands below is Daggett Brook/Creek, about half mile south of Barrett Petfood plant on highway 25 north of Pierz. Any runoff or pollutants would end up in here. If you zoom in on the photo with the seagulls feeding on something, you can see there is water that is on the ground flowing into Dagget Creek.
One wonders, where does a plant this large discharge their wastewater? There are not sewer pipes in the country. Only septic systems. This looks really suspicious.
Don't you think?
If so, get to the city council mtg on July 1, 2019 Little Falls city hall and tell them you object. Show up at 6:30pm for the work session public forum comment where everyone is allowed 3 minutes to speak.
This is your last chance. I have been warning people for months now. The stench on this town will never end, if Barrets get their stinking plant in our town. And all you homeowners behind Aldi, if you think there's traffic now on 18th Street, you have no idea what's headed your way. You will smell it more than other homes in town because you too, are downwind. Get ready.....better yet, show up to oppose this. Don't ever say, I didn't warn you. what cost? EXTRUDED DOGFOOD IS THE WORST KIND YOU CAN FEED YOUR DOG. WATCH THIS VIDEO.
Barrett says they don't use rendered meat by products.....ya for now. Unless in time, they decide to change their minds and once the plant is operational, they can choose to manufacture whatever batches of petfood they want. The city would have no say in any of that. And if they ever sell out to some big petfood conglomerate, that company decides what to manufacture at this plant. Think about it Littlefallsians. These are pictures from Tom Barretts Facebook page, that show fish within the Barrett plant ready for processing into petfoods.
EDA mtg Oct. 2018 Barrett Petfoods below
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