Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Meet the Main Gate Bartenders and other employees for CRUELLA(Wanda Kretzmanowner of puppy MEGA mill)

There are more, but these are of particular interest and on my radar for various reasons.

Been meaning to post this awhile back, and forgot.  Thought it should be posted now.

Jonah James Wojahn
Jonah, I see you are Facebook friends with Hilmersons....and the sheriff (Shawn Larson) I find that really interesting. 

Katie Rosenthal

See the name KACIE ROSENTHAL on the van?  I am told this is your teenage daughter Katie. Is it?

Mike Strack
Quite the clown.

Think of all the "Crickets"(Gary McDuffees beloved pet ....see picture below) who will have to  spend the rest of their lives in a cage the size of a clothes dryer, behind the walls of this torture chamber. (Clearwater Kennel puppy mill below) 
 McDuffee$ should all be ashamed of yourselves.

I wonder if he'$ ever bothered that his boss, Wanda Kretzman runs the largest puppy mill penetentiary for dogs in Minnesota, and is listed in the top HORRIBLE 100 list of the United States Humane Societys worst puppy mills in the nation. I wonder if he cares that she is cruel to her doggie prisoners?  That's exactly what the USDA meant by charging her with willful violation of the Animal Welfare Act.  It is CRUEL to force any animal to live a lifetime in a cage the size of a clothes dryer.  Just freaking insane.
What kind of guy IS Mike Strack....really?  Deep down inside, what kind?
Are all these emlpoyees so desperate they can't find a job with an employer who doesn't violate the law?
Photo above is Scott Steffen, security at Main Gate and is sick of my viewpoints, so signed the Strack Attack 2 van across street from me.

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