Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Jeremy Hanfler "Our rules state NOTHING"(Rules of Conduct) 2-5-18 Little Falls is a LAWLESS COUNCIL.

See item 5 above that discusses public comments concerning agenda items at the time the item is considered.  The Cable Review Board deletion was on the Work Session agenda AND the Council meeting agenda. I was within my rights to ask to speak.  No other resident has utilized and produced more shows on local public access television than I have. So it is natural that I would want to comment about it's deletion.

Jeremy Hanfler's continued viewpoint discretion and senseless comments are going to end up costing taxpayer dollars in the future.  He is repeatly violating my right to free speech and participation in public meetings. Let's face it. He wouldn't treat anyone else this way.
Notice Item number 6. This is the part that Ron Kresha blatantly violated.  Of course he wouldn't know the Rules of Conduct because the city does not even have one copy laying on the public information table where the rules for public comments at public hearings are placed. How is the public supposed to know about rules unless they are placed or published somewhere that the public can read?   I requested of Councilor Frank Gosiak, that  a copy of the Rules of Conduct be placed on that table last night before the meeting, but they didn't do it. Here below is the video of Ron Kresha, clearly walking beyond the stanchion which is to prevent the public from entering the forbidden area.  I wonder why he wasn't warned by Council President Jeremy Hanfler?

the video below is of the council meeting, where my donation of a pencil drawing by a 13 year old Iraqi girl titled "New Iraq" was accepted by council.  You can listen starting at 2 minutes in for that. And at 15.30 minutes into the video below you can hear the discussion to delete the Cable Review Board. 

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