Sunday, April 18, 2021

Greg Kimman(Little Falls, Mn city engineer) violates statute. Civil penalty 30K Jon Radermacher, Greg Zylka, Frank Gosiak, Wayne Liljegren Brad Hircock, Raquel Lundberg, Gerald Knafla, Leif Hanson, Jim Storlie, City of Little Falls, Jerry Lochner, Terry Lehrke, Cathy VanRisseghem, Donald Klinker, Loren Boyum, Jeremy Hanfler, Greg Schirmers, SEH, Short Elliot Hendrickson, Brainerd Mn, Mn Board of Engineers

You would think the official city newspaper could get my name right, wouldn't you?  My last name is Hensel, not Hansel. 

Scroll to the bottom and work your way up to read in proper order. 

The link at the top has the complete video of the public meeting(Greg Kimman requested his hearing be public) where Kimman along with his attorney, face councils questions and city administrator Jon Radermacher, advises Kimman be discharged.


Some of you may remember I went before council in October of 2014, and asked them to develop an ethics/conflict of interest policy. They refused. Had they enacted a policy, this type of incident would be less likely.  I asked council to enact this policy, because this city is plagued with elected leaders and city employees who, in the past have violated laws at all levels, including violating the US Constitution. This really bothers me. It should bother everyone. In May 2019, I filed a complaint with the Mn Board of Engineers, after watching the council meeting, where Greg Kimman's crooked actions were discussed. Council and mayor let him off by turning a blind eye, against city administrator Jon Radermacher's advise to discharge Kimman. It was obvious to me that Kimman had likely violated statute.  I sent the Board of Engineers the video of that council meeting, and they opened an investigation. Because of that, at least one city employee has been held accountable and paid a price. 30 grand, for his civil penalty, is a lot of money. I hope he learns his lesson.

The other price is having these public documents on full display for eternity, on this very public blog.

I have no ax to grind against Kimman, but want the city council, mayor and all city staff to obey the law. That is what a good citizen wrongdoing.

I wonder how many other employees have violated the law.

Before Kimman was hired by the city, starting in 2012 when I started attending council meetings, Kimman was always seated in the front row of the audience, right next to Morrison County Record reporter, Terry Lehrke. I always wondered who he was and why he attended regularly. I was told by an insider, he was handpicked to replace Jerry Lochner(retired city engineer) when Lochner retired. Did former Mayor Cathy VanRisseghem handpick him? Probably. It appeared he was also friends with Lehrke.  My hope for this corrupt city is that one day, it will operate ethically. I am not holding my breath. 

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