Sunday, April 5, 2020

Craig Van Brickey UPDATED charged AGAIN with second degree assault, past terroristic threats.

This RACIST drunk is going to eventually cause great harm to someone.


 I bet his housemates are his mommy and daddy.  Betcha.  I was spot on.

Remember this is the criminal creepo who tore down my blue sign that read "Who would Jesus bomb" at my LEGAL seasonal display at Veterans Memorial Park, next door to the Little Falls post office in 2015. Craig's daddy, Alan Brickey, worked for General Dynamics/Atomics(a military war machine corporation) that manufactures Predator and Reaper predator drones.

To understand more about his criminality put his name in the search engine on this blog and it will pull up past articles I have written about him.

He is the wacktwit that while being hauled to detox in St. Cloud the night he was caught destroying my sign, said over and over again "Heil Hitler, White Power"

Typical Little Falls skank.

And while we speak Janice Jean Dambowy is AGAIN locked up in Morrison County jail, as is Jeffrey John Jelinski.

Janice is one of the wacktwit drunks who opposed the peace group members who rallied in front of Camp Ripley, opposing U.S. illegal, unConstitutional wars of aggression for Empire and Wall Street profits. She's the one who drove the ratty pickup truck who always showed up with the hooligan motorcyclist thugs in front of the Canteen Bar(directly across the highway 115 from us.

Jelinski is the paranoid schizophrenic that called my home phone and left threats on my answering machine a number of times from 2012-2015.  He doesn't take his meds and goes off the rail threatening dozens of people, including his family members. He is an arson as well....leaving lit cigarettes by buildings that have burned to the ground. He has been in and out of St. Cloud prison, which is where he belongs.

To see more info on either of them, put their name in the search engine to pull up more articles on either.

Most of the local ding dongs who have opposed my peace activism and free speech, are outright criminals, addicts, or just plain scumbags with no moral compass. I keep good records.

Stay tuned.....there will be more.

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