Saturday, February 22, 2020

Little Falls, Mn, public art display fiasco. Frank Gosiak, Greg Kimman, Kris VonBerge, Jon Radermacher, Initiative Foundation

What on earth were they thinking? Or were they? Sure doesn't seem like it. Why don't they ever get anything right? This is another prime example of community opportunity hoarding. There are always the same outstreched hands, mooching, every chance they get.
 Frank Gosiak is a councilor for Ward 3. He has been for YEARS and years now. For close to or excess of a decade.....and he doesn't know the citys policies or laws yet?  Give me a break? He knew full well, so did Kimman(city engineer) that city staff cannot perform work on private property, and that city equipment cannot be used on private property.  It's a city liability, and they both know it. A taxpayer liability. This isn't rocket science. How come I know these things, but they don't?  It's THEIR job, not mine....and they're both paid to know.

Vote these bums out and council needs to fire incompetent staff. Don't you think?

I have asked Don Hickman of the Initiative Foundation to correct this blatantly false statement that I pointed out above.

This is his response.

You may want to reconsider donating funds to the Initiative Foundation. Any organization that has basically no oversight on the grants they so willingly give out, has little, if any integrity.

Listen below at 16 minutes in when Kimman talks about the challenges to this public art. What he is REALLY saying is, he discovered it wasn't legal for the city to giveaway to GRAA as surplus, this public metal art, then have city crews install it on a private building. How tupid can they get? Neither the CVB location or the Pine Grove Zoo, where Kimman says the art may be placed, are in the downtown historic district, where foot traffic was supposed to be increased because of this art, and it's a year late(the deadline was May 2019, BEFORE highway 27 road construction began.) 

Any place the city installs this art on public property, it will become a taxpayer liability.  And if it's where the hooligans that proliferate this redneck haven have a chance, they will destroy this art, the first chance they get.  There is a way to display this art on city property, where it would not get vandalized, but I betcha none of them art bright enough to figure it out. Betcha.

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