Friday, April 26, 2019

Ron Kresha/Paul Gazelka, Texas judge strikes down the anti BDS bill

You will likely both, look like the less than 7th grade levelers you are, when Mn strikes down the anti BDS bills you pushed through.

I can't wait to let the whole world know what anti-constitutionalists you are.

Just imagine if our government, citizens and corporations hadn't boycotted South Africa.

And you Ron, had the audacity to call my speech anti-semetic. Ya right! Nothing could be further from the truth.

You both need to go back to junior high and bone up on civics. Before it's too late.

The anti-BDS  bills you rammed down the throats of Minnesotans is anti-Palestinian. And then some.

I should have called you that. Next time.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Little Falls,Mn UPDATED city streetsweeper sweeping PRIVATE street 4-25-19 truck in alley, violates road restrictions

Filmed 4-25-15 around 8:30am

 Heavy equipment has no business in back alley. Who are these 2 city employees....I intend to find out.
This IS the city owned streetsweeper. It proceeded to cross First St. SE over to Cherry Ave SW and sweep along that street.

I have reported this to Jon Radermacher city admininstrator, and Greg Kimman public works director/city engineer. The city has a policy that disallows city equipment to be used on private property.

And I just filed a complaint with my ward 1 representative Raquel Lundberg, via phone call, at approx 11:30am.

Cherry Ave. SE is privately owned by CHI, CommonSpirit

And here is the very same city owned streetsweeper going across First St SE, to sweep 7th Ave SE.

Same operator too. I am pretty sure the driver was Jeremy Pekula.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Charlie Peterka BANNED from St. Cloud Golf Course AND Cold Spring/Richmond Country Club???

I believe Charlie Peterka has been  banned, (a few weeks ago), from both the St.Cloud and Cold Spring/Richmond Country Clubs/golf courses. Why??? Bad behavior of course. They got sick of it and booted him out.

Is Little Falls publicly owned Golf Course next??

4-22-19 date of this post.


The newest member to the Hall of SHAME is Eddie Podraza(801 First St. SE, Little Falls, Mn....from MCRecord 4-22-19

Here are other Hall of Shamers....

1. Charlie Peterka(threatening to kill a doctor at St. Gabriels Hospital)
2. DarwinJ. Allord threats against me
3.Craig Van Brickey(vandalism, destruction of my property)
4. Brittany Harnack(fired a gun at me and my home....stole a flag from my front yard)
5. BreeAnn Harnack
6.. Rachel Bollin
7. Crystall Ann Boblett
8.  Jim Hilmerson(stealing a sign off my van/tampering with a vehicle)
9. Kent Strunk Little Falls, Mn attorney(convicted of having child pornography on his home offender)
10. Greg Kimman city engineer(likely violated Mn state code of ethics, failure to disclose statute 471.895 which could be a gross misdemeanor...)see video 48 minutes in, Greg Kimman's OPEN meeting.
And Kimman was influencing the city council EVEN BEFORE he got the job....

And here are a few more, some from Todd County.
1. Margurite Cofell(fraud/embezzlement)St. Francis Credit Union

2. Meinrad William Pohlkamp.....see below.....

The list is growing. Who will be next to make the list?

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Little Falls, Mn equalization board 4-18-19

Little Falls, Mn work sessionUPDATED 4-15-19 LIVESTREAMING WORK SESSIONS @23 minutes in

I recorded this off the city's audiorecorder so the sound quality isn't the best and I made a blank video of it.  That's why the screen is dark. I do not know yet how to get an audiorecording on my blog. I did not attend Monday 4-15-19 council work session or council meeting as I was out in Flensburg at their city council meeting. Listen at 23 minutes in for the discussion of Councilman Jim Storlie's item to be discussed (livestreaming work sessions in the future).  There are other things of note, including SEH (Collin)  recommending the bid to build our new waterwater plant to Rice Lake Construction.  Listen to what Leif Hanson says about the bids being very close and it almost seems like collusion and did the companies talk about this?  And there evidently was a fire in the kitchen at the golf course clubhouse that cost about 120 city man hours to clean up and Jon Radermacher says they may begin a 3rd party lawsuit to regain lost wages, and cost of clean up.


watch Toni Wetzel motion to Schirmers to come haul me out and arrest me again.

And now watch ABOVE VIDEO, how Bruce Moller and others are ALLOWED TO SPEAK AROUND 6 minutes, instead of the 2 minutes they held me to.(the rules for public hearings state speakers can speak 2 minutes, and get another 2 minutes during public hearings).....why do they treat me differently? I think you know.  They don't like the content of my speech, which is reason for ligitation.  In other words, they violated my right to free speech again. They do it over and over.   It will be the demise of the entire council if they don't cut this out. It is inevitable there will be another's just a matter of time.  I won't stand for anyone's Constitutional or human rights to be violated. 

And then there is this example of favoritism(video below) and breaking of their rules when they allow Bernie Athmann to speak DURING COUNCIL MEETING, rather than at the work session, when ALL others were required to  speak.   More "exceptions" to the rules.  Bernie is a personal friend of President Don Klinker.  That's why he got to speak during council meeting, even though he should not have been allowed.

The video directly above is when the council votes to MOVE THE CITIZEN APPEAL(now known as public forum comments) to the work session, rather than the council agenda.  Notice only former Alderman Brian Crowder votes no.  He wants it left on the council agenda so it is filmed and broadcast on channel 6 tv(now ch 180).  Notice also that he says he is in favor of videotaping all the work sessions as well. 

And here is the video of  how the public forum comments were reduced from 5 minutes to 3 and how the public forum comments were placed on the work session agenda, rather than the council agenda(where they had been for years).

And here is the vote below to change the public forum comments to 3 minutes instead of 5.  Notice former councilor Loren Boyum who's idea this was introduced the motion, then current Mayor Greg Zylka(councilor at the time of this vote) seconded the motion.  Cathy VanRisseghem and Brian Crowder were the only ones to vote no.  They wanted it left at 5 minutes. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Greg Kimman Violates statute UPDATED 4-15-19 council should have followed advice of city administrator Jon Radermacher

At 48 minutes in, listen to the hearing for Public Works Director/City Engineer Greg Kimman.

This time Jon Radermacher did the right thing.

I warned them....

I asked the city to create a conflict of interest/ethics policy in Oct. 2014. They blew me off.

I also blogged who'd be first on the chopping block, after MAPE did not represent 6 leadership level city staff...

Will there be more?

Jody Scott-Olson also warned the mayor and city council about conflict of interest and other important issues, for a number of years. It fell on deaf ears.

Bottom line, it couldn't be more clear that the City of Little Falls mayor Greg Zylka and former mayor Cathy VanRisseghem and the majority of councilors past and present, DO NOT WANT a conflict of interest/ethics policy, because they would be bound to following those rules. They don't like following the rules and more importantly DON't follow the rules. Not their own policies, state or federal laws, or even  the Minnesota/US Constitution. History shows this.

Greg Kimman caught red handed in the video below.....discusses SEH plan for the recreational complex and it's cost.
Greg Kimman below donation from SEH firm.....


I remember finding out one of their new picks for employment had been arrested for drugs(saw it in the paper), and because I read all the council packets, I knew this person was being considered for employment. I then informed them of my discovery and asked if they had an employee background check policy. They did not,  but soon created one after I caught them with their britches down.

I also asked them to create a Human Rights Commission" in August 2013.

And a Homeless Bill of Rights. All were ignored. What incompetence.

Their BRAINS ought to be able to "shine a light" on homelessness....what's faith got to do with it? What's "fear" got to do with it?

Margurite Cofell, FRAUD and her "merry band". 4-15-19 John Gessell Jr., LuAnn Morrow, Ken Merten, Brad Pederson, Amber Peterson

Hard to imagine a city council this inept. 4-15-19 Flensburg Mn city council meeting 7pm

And now it hits the Brainerd Dispatch....

Margurite was a student at St. Francis school in Little Falls. Taught by Franscican Sisters. Just what were they teaching? Obviously NOT ethics. Now I get it, why she was chosen to manage the credit union. So which headmother or board hired her? And why? Who's decision was it. They are culpable.

MAYOR AND MARGURITE, IF YOU ARE READING THIS....I left a message  on Margurites cell phone yesterday 4-17-19 requesting to bring my data request to her or the mayor. I requested a call back.  No response yet.  I had just called Mayor Gessell's phone, but he didn't pick up and there was no message system set up so I couldn't even leave a message. If I don't receive a call back, I will be filing a complaint with the IPAD office in the Twin Cities.  The public has a right to contact government entities to request data. 

No internal investigation, and they decide to keep Margurite on as city clerk/treasurer, until they find a replacement. Will they lose their LMCIT insurance?
Margurite Mary Cofell above.... lnown to some as Maggie

You have to listen to believe.
Here is the full video. They don't even know how to coordinate a plan to construct the city office that the state auditor recommended.
What a joke. And I thought Little Falls council had clowns.

Ross Wamre speaks for 8 1/2 minutes and all of a sudden they have a 2 minute rule for me. They clearly pick and choose. That's what causes lawsuits. Public comment time is free speech. Need I remind them? And here are the laws on posting meetings for the public....might wanna bone-up a bit since you have no clue about your legal posting 3 days in advance(as required for open AND closed meetings) was given. None. You are in violation of the Minnesota Data Practice Act. And Margurite lies on camera about it. Listen at the end of the reopened meeting, where I confront them about not posting the closed meeting) for proof when she falsely claims they followed the law.

Mayor John Gessell, Jr. Above
yes LuAnn Morrow's  eyes really are that scary......I captured numerous photos of those wierd looking eye movements.
Brad Pederson above(former FBI)
Kenneth Merten above
Amber Peterson above

 ATTENTION Beth Super....why do you suppose your inept council/clerk was late with the 2018 audit? I think I know.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Margurite Cofell "Robinhood" or "public enemy #1" Tim Witucki, Dillon Wuellner, Melissa Strack, LuAnn Morrow, Cary Blechinger, Barb Liebel

I have been hearing  that "some" local folks are feeling sorry for Margurite. That she was just doing good with the money she was stealing from St. Francis Credit Union, before she caused it'$ collapse. They are the ones who have benefitted from her theft. Or know someone that has.

Well that sounds just like Morrison County. The booze capitol of Minnesota. This is the real epidemic. With a mushroom cloud of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome infected kids/adults, to prove it. The facial characteristics and behaviors are easy to spot.

This county exemplifies "the family that drinks together, stays together."  Catholicism teaches by example.  You know....polka masses and wine at communion(daily for priests). It'$ no surprise that many in this county of drunks are shielding her.  We live in a culture of corruption where the public condones, accepts, and turns a blind eye to all of it.

I believe that folks who defend her are  "benefactors" of her thievery.  Or perhaps they are so self righteous that the rules don't apply to them and they rationalize that any crime like this is understandable.

Margurite is the furthest thing from a "Robinhood" as one can get. She is charged with stealing 2 and a half MILLION dollars for personal gain and has admitted to fraud. Robinhood stole from the rich and gave it ALL to the poor. That'$ NOT Margurite.


Am I the only one that suspects drugs, may  play a part in this embezzlement scheme?

I sure hope the FBI has investigated this possibility.

I make no claim other than to suggest there are many arrows pointing in that direction. Think about it. Meth and other drug user/dealers are habitual liars, thieves and criminals. They usually fit a mold for physical characteristics.....skinny, withered up skin, and a skuzzy appearance of "life lived in a bar." Just plain tough looking. Because they are.

In my generation these types were called "hoods" or "hoodlums."

Today's toughest are psychopaths, sociopaths, or worse.

Some names in the title of this post are Margurite's Facebook friends, others MAY have been recipients of credit union loans, or had relatives that were. These are potential realities. Dillon Wuellner, son of Tim Witucki and Dina Wuellner, got a home mortgage from St. Francis Credit Union and went through mortage foreclosure within the last year. ( It was published in the MCRecord for the whole world to see)

St. Francis credit union used US Bank for their flow through and ran their checks through that bank for years. Lorna Lange was head of the US bank Little Falls downtown branch, until about 2006, I believe, when she ran for Russ Nygren's seat as the Morrison County Auditor. At some point after she lost that election she began working for Pine Country Bank and I believe, brought the St. Francis account with her. So there should be bank records connected to all or most of St. Francis Credit Unions transactions.  Lorna Lange is Margurites sister in law.

 Deb Gruber, was formerly the  Morrison County treasurer.  Then after Tim Houle left his position of Morrison County Administrator, (to become Crow Wing County Administrator), Deb Gruber was appointed by the county commissioners(upon her recommendation) to take Houle's place. Then the county commissioners eliminated the elected position of treasurer.  Taking away the checks and balances for  fiduciary accountability.
It's really interesting to see who has dropped off Margurite's  Facebook friends list over the years.  I've been paying attention. I think I know why.

Here are some points of interest:
Ken Merten(a high school buddy, Little Falls class of 1975, of Margurite's), is currently a Flensburg council member.

and Careena Jacobs, may have managed the Flensburg Muni or worked there when it was losing money from 2014-2017.

Ken Merten is a current city councilor from 2016-2020

LuAnn Morrow(city councilor)

 was Margurite's employer at LuAnn's company Lucky Lucy painting. There's a conflict of interest if ever there was one. 

 Cary Blechinger Gorka was the manager at the former Flensburg Muni since 2017 when the city sold it to Herbie's bar of Sobieski. (According to this newspiece interview below.......

A few years ago, Cary sent me a hate letter in the US postal mail, with all kinds of libelous statements in it.

In the article from yesterday's 4-14-19 McRecord below, Kathy Lange of CHI says all 3 sober houses in Little Falls, Mn have now closed...

Now what's interesting about this is, a few years back I was contacted by an anonymous source to alert me that a womans sober house (Ground Zero)on 2nd St. NE in Little Falls had been cleaned out overnight, the house emptied and Margurite had been the financial manager at that business.
I do not know if it is the same as this place but the addresses matched what I was told.....(not the 4th Street NE address below.)  It was in the 600 block of 2nd St. NE. Mary Olson, the owner, died within the last few years.

There was supposedly another men's sober house directly across the street from the stone Episcopal  church on 4th St. NE. Melissa Stracks name was mentioned by the anonymous informant, for the house on 2nd St.NE 600 block

Melissa has been in prison TWICE, for drug use or dealing and graduated from the Morridon County drug court, I believe.

Stay tuned.....there's always more.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Kent Strunk SEX OFFENDER ☆☆public service announcement☆☆ 12794 TERRACE LANE, Little Falls, Mn.

Admitted criminal sex offender Kent Strunk MUST register as a SEX OFFENDER but not the category that warrants notification of the public. This is the reason I am posting the public is aware of where he lives(at least currently owns the home).
TERRACE LANE residents pay attention ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

According to Sheriff Shawn Larson "If Strunk was sentenced to prison, he would get classified as either a level 1,2 or 3 offender prior to his release. Normally on level 2 or 3's our office can do a public notification. Since Strunk is not being sentenced to prison, he will not be assigned to a certain level, instead he will be classified as an unassigned offender. There are no public notifications on this type of classification."

So without this post the public would have no idea that he is a  registered sex offender.👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

I don't know him, have no personal beef with him, but feel the public has a right to know. His crime does however sucken me. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢

I make no claim if any listed information as to his whereabouts or property owned, or where he lives is accurate. These are possibilities only from online searches.

I feel sorry for his wife and kids. They will likely suffer more than he. What a shame.

We have an epidemic of this kind of CRAP in our society, especially with people who hold positions of power. Sex crimes of all stripes are rampant. Mostly committed by sick, perverse men.  Kent Strunk is just one in a sea of thousands.

Our kids are not safe in most everyday life and places they go. What a society.

Thursday, April 11, 2019


I want to clarify that the names in capital letters in the header are there because those folks are all or have been Facebook friends of Margurite. This matters. If any if them, especially Jim Hilmerson, do not wish to be associated with her, then disconnect with her.....fully. unfriend her.   Why are any of you,  
 especially Sheriff Shawn Larson and former LFPD OFFICER Charles Strack, Facebook friends with her? I think I know why.  


Cofell cost Flensburg THOUSANDS of dollars.....and to top it all off, the council even took her suggestion who to pick for auditor to do city audits in the future......just like she picked the auditor at the St. Francis Credit Union.


Margurite Cofell, the former head of St. Francis Credit Union, (who caused it's collapse) CAN'T RECONCILE A GENERAL LEDGER???🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥


In every way possible, she showed incompetence.👎👎👎

And John Gessel, Jr has made himself look like a complete fool, by his 👁comment below......
"She's been a darn good employee." 🤮John Gessel. He must have very low standards.(full article below)

👽👽👽 As of this morning 4-10-19, the article above has been corrected to state the REAL date of the next Flensburg council meeting Monday April 15, 2019...instead of the incorrect date of April 18th, given by the mayor, John Gessel, Jr., for the printed newspaper of 4-7-19.👽👽👽 Think that's an accident or deliberate mistake to keep the public out if the meeting?

This correction was made because I requested Terry Lehrke find out the correct date and location.  There should also be an address provided so the public can easily locate it. 🐦

Will Margurite finally be canned by the council? Will they even show up? Or will they be absent so as to not have a quorum, necessary to discuss agenda items???  We will find out. 😊

Margurites son Jon Paul Cofell is married to the Flensburg Mayors(John Gessel, Jr.) Daughter Samantha (Gessel) Cofell. Jon Paul Cofell I believe has turkey barns/ owns the land or has a contract with Jennie-O at Badger Creek Farms, LLC. I am not sure but based on these finding below I think Jon does.

See link above for Flensburg report of the ☆☆Mn State Auditors Rebecca Otto 2016/2017 SCATHING ☆☆letter/report/review....I marked it in the picture below so you can find it easily under 2017

Report (pdf, 457k)click here for the full report Mn. State Auditor

NOTICE FLENSBURG IN VIOLATION OR NON COMPLIANCE OF MN STATUTES......OVER AND OVER.  That's what happens when you have a fraudster working for you.

Since 2014, they all knew Margurite was accused of embezzlement of St. Francis Credit Union.....and they still allowed her employment as clerk/treasurer.

What are they thinking?

Who is compromised? What's Margurite got on them? Are some benefactors of her theft?

IS there a connection between Julie Hollerman and Margurite Cofell in this wire transfer scam???? 

Sure looks suspicious to me? 

Why didn't the official Morrison County Record did deeper? 

Why haven't they reported on the State Auditor review letter for Flensburg? 

I found it by investigating further.....why didn't they? 

As of yesterday 4-10-19 speaking with Terry Lehrke(editor of the paper) they were clueless about any of this. 


Don't they WANT to find it? Don't they WANT the public to know?

😡😡😡 NOTICE ABOVE IT READS...."It cannot be readily determined from ACH payment information on the bank statements if more ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS were made."  😡😡😡


In the article of the McRecord below it states: 

"Cofell issued checks that were not paid for, withdrew money from the credit union's vault account and made a number of FAKE ELECTRONIC TRANSFERS as part of the scheme."
It also states "According to the civil complaint, Cofell allegedly used her authority to MANIPULATE THE CREDIT UNION'S GENERAL LEDGER.  But out at Flensburg, she has no idea how to reconcile a ledger.  Right. Now who on earth would buy that? 

The city council and mayor of Flensburg.....that's who.

And does anyone else find it odd that the same year Swanville had WIRE TRANSFER theft --2017, Flensburg had NO way to determine if additional wire transfers were made. They were in violation of Mn Statute 15.17 and 471.38, and its own "Wire Tranfer Payments Policy" enacted January 1, 2017.

And didn't Margurite Cofell work at the Flensburg municipal liquor store/bar for a period of time?


And here is another troubling thing.  Why on earth is the sheriff of Morrison County(Shawn Larson) and LFPD officer Charles Strack, Facebook friends with an admitted fraudster? 

Why is the owner of Baby's on Broadway(Adelle Starin, former employee of Larson Abstract) a  Facebook friend with Margurite?  I wonder where she got the money to start her business?  You don't suppose she got a loan from St. Francis Credit Union do you? 

Some other interesting past or present Facebook friends of Margurite are Susan Haugen Buckley(former city of Little Falls financial officer before Lori Kasella), Jill Senn-Resseman, LuAnn Morrow(current Flensburg council and owner of Lucky Lucy's Painting where Margurite has been an employee), Jeff and Michelle Waldvogel, Judy Buckingham(former employee of MCRecord and past owner of a Little Falls bar),  Roxi Gammon Lukasavitz(works for the DNR), Jim Hilmerson(owner of Hilmerson RV), Trent Iverson(Emblom-Brenny Funeral Home), ELSIE MILLER, ERIK GRADIN and there are plenty more.  I wonder who can put 2 and 2 together?


I am pretty sure Margurite worked at the municipal liquor store/bar owned by Flensburg, before it was sold to Herbies Bar in 2017. This explains a lot. 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

Here is some general information to sort out. I make no determination if there has been more foul play. But who wouldn't suspicion the possibility??

Kris Deer(whom I don'know) made this interesting comment on the Morrison County Record Facebook visitor comments site where I posted part of the court records for Margurite Cofells embezzlement case that is still ongoing...

Is Kris Deer suggesting ARSON ???

I understand Jon Paul Cofell(Margurite's son and Mayor John Gessell's son in law) is the Flensburg Fire Departments Assistant Fire Chief. How convenient.

Ken Merten used to be a Flensburg city councilor. It was his son's home(as well as storage for his vintage cars) that burned. There was an insurance claim.

I wonder who paid for the gas lines close to the turkey barns??

Kyle Loven, former head of the Mpls FBI, hails from Swanville. ( retired in 2017) 

Brad Pederson, retired FBI, is a current Flensburg city councilor.