Monday, March 30, 2015

The Empire Before the Fall....Bruce Fein speaks....powerful....definitely BANNED READING FOR LITTLEFALLSIANS.

This is one of the most powerful speeches I have ever heard.  Bruce Fein gets it right every time.
Bruce Fein states he is ashamed, as an American.  So am I.  He says we, as a country  have turned into King George the Third, on steroids.  He says if you read the indictment of King George the Third, in the Declaration of Independence, and compare them to what the United States is doing at present, not only domestically but abroad, they pale in comparison.  

Sunday, March 29, 2015

From Homan Square to the Mall of America....rampant racism is alive and well in ameriKKKa. click on this's all connected folks.  Racism here, is no different than in Palestine.  It all stinks.

The bombs bursting in air have an economic impact in Morrison County...say nothing of killing us all with toxic fumes.

Now doesn't it make sense to allow the same spending for military purposes, as we spend on education?   Does to me. Of course not to the warmonger politicians that get elected by the dumbed down society.

Little Falls Golf Advisory Board LAW/ordinance, has been violated for 27 years now. Long enough?  

Back in September of 2014, I reported this violation of law(crime) to Morrison County Attorney Brian Middendorf who has prosecutorial power in this matter, and he has never even had the courtesy to respond to my letter.   No surprise here.   Some of his buddies are on the council, and probably sit on the Golf Advisory Board as well.  
Is it any wonder why I call Little Falls, Minnesota that City of Clowns??


Hey Ron Kresha and Paul Gazelka....remember I mentioned the disparity in foster care/adoption stipend. You did NOTHING TO change this.

Your two representatives in Morrison County who have for years, done NOTHING to ensure children in the foster care system have a "forever home."   I have questioned them about the disparity in the financial stipend that foster care homes get as opposed to the financial subsidy adoptive parents get when adopting "difficult to place" kids or sibling groups.  They both acknowledged they hadn't investigated this problem  or been involved in rectifying the system.   Adoptive parents should actually receive MORE subsidization than a foster care provider receives, as it costs a lot more to educate and provide what a young person needs to get on their feet to independence, than foster care parents are expected to provide.  These children are a collective societal responsibility.  Of course, these two republicans probably don't see it quite that way.  If anyone doubts what I am saying feel free to read the "Minnesota Permanency Demonstration Project."

Then read this recent Star Tribune article that shows how badly our Minnesota foster system falls short.  This is an outrage. 

Ward 1 candidate announces early.....a reminder that 2016 is just on the horizon....I will run again.

In 2016, Ward 1 position will be up for grabs again.  This is just a little friendly reminder, that I will run against Loren Boyum(he has stated publicly he will not run again) or whoever else runs for his seat. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Robin Hensel takes a bite out of Lyme. I challenge Ann March, Sheila Funk, and Kate Bjerga.

Heads up Morrison County Live Better Live Longer team.  Heads up Morrison County Kindness Campaign.  I challenge Ann March, Sheila Funk, and Kate Bjerga to take the Lyme Disease Challenge. 

I will look foolish to get attention to worthy causes any day.  Life is about having fun, along with the serious challenges our society faces.   Nothing changes, til something changes. 

Lindbergh Lions allowed to have their illegal off premise signs at LeBourget Park every year.

Here is another example of how the city operates "below the board."  I believe it was Greg Kimman(public works director) who gave permission to the Lindbergh Lions to erect their holiday decorations and off premise signs in LeBourget Park in November 2014 BEFORE GETTING COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION TO DO SO.  Notice, Greg says they installed them before getting the required council permission, due to the weather.  Hogwash.   They just didn't believe they had to abide by the law.  I don't think Greg thinks the city has to abide by the law.  This pretty much proves it.  A group they like does something illegal in the park and they get by with it.  Not only do they get by with it, the council gives them a green light to do this every year into the future.  That is the reward the Lions get for breaking the law.  See how this works?  You can be assured that if a peace group asked to put up a display of mock drones and anti-war signs in  ANY CITY PARK IT WOULD BE DENIED.    The city has set another precedent by making an exception to their park policy, and another bending of the sign ordinance.   They may be challenged in the future on this.   They may also be approached to make another exception to displays allowed in LeBourget.  Work session 3-3-15.

Ban smoking in all city parks. 3-3-15 work session

Listen as they consider banning smoking in ALL CITY PARKS.   Funny...they allow drinking alcohol at the city owned softball park on the west side, but they are worried about cigarette smoking.  Who this will REALLY AFFECT IS ALL OF THE mentally disabled veterans/clients that live at the Nouis boarding home(the old Pine Edge Inn) who frequent Maple Island Park, because it is in their back yard.  There are other mentally ill people that live throughout the city in group homes, and in residential areas where there are parks close by that they walk in.   How on earth would the city ever expect to police this?   In the packet information from last council meeting, it states that citizens can ask people to not smoke.  In other words, allow the public to police an ordinance.   This is nuts. If a mentally ill person is confronted about his or her smoking in a park, this may present a very hostile situation.   Even someone without a mental illness is reminded they cannot smoke in a city park, I see confrontation as a possible outcome.  There will be big problems with this. I do not think this is wise.  My two cents.

Memorial Bench blunder.....donating individuals won't be very happy about this. 3-3-15 work session I missed.

I filmed this yesterday at city hall, as I was ill and could not attend the council meetings on 3-3-15.  I believe Jerry Lochner is likely the one who set this program up and didn't create a policy, or a contact with the donators.  What a dumb way to operate.   I am convinced this city doesn't get it right the first time, on any matter.

What is important to remember about benches, is that your city council denied my free speech by denying me an advertising bench.  I requested 2 potential placements on city hall property and was denied either.   This was indeed a violation of my rights. It was during the settlement agreement discussions that the city finally conceded to allow my advertising bench, because they knew they had messed up. 

  I have been observing, recording and filming for more than 4 years now, and nothing could be more apparent to me.   It should be to others, but there are only a handful of folks who ever show up for meetings.   In the beginning 2 or more years, most of the time, I was the only one present, other than the staff and elected representatives.   Watch, nobody will ever state who made the decision to allow people to donate benches to the city.   They only created the policy on donations within the last 4 years.   They have made all these policy/ordinance changes, because I have exposed their ignorance and mischief.   It's actually worse than that.  I have exposed not only their incompetence, but malfeasance and misfeasance.  It is clear that your elected officials and city staff are hell bent on continuing operating "below the board" in order to accomplish their cronyism with friends and business associates.  The local non-profits get by with whatever they want, because they continue to donate money and time to the city.

Something a lot of people may have forgotten about.   The St. Francis Credit Union that was shut down last summer, is still under investigation by the FBI.  I wonder what will be dredged up?   I bet there is a direct connection to one or more of the local banks.  

Golf Course Advisory Board discussion from work session I missed 3-3-15. Bunch of clowns.

Listen as Dan Vogt and Toni Wetzel advise this inept group of elected officials, that they should delete this board, that has NEVER fulfilled it's mandated monthly meetings.  Perhaps if they had EVER MET MONTHLY, the golf course wouldn't have lost so much taxpayer money.   In the minutes, it is stated that the city had to use a business consultant from the Brainerd area, to tweek the menu and help the manager know how to show a profit.  Really?   This manager is paid big bucks folks, and he doesn't even know how to do that?
The discussion was about 30 minutes long, but well worth listening to these clowns try to figure out how to fix yet another SCREWUP.   Folks, it should be more than apparent that your city government has NEVER run legally, in a number of areas, including developing and enacting an unconstitutional sign ordinance, an illegal Sister City Committee, a Youth Task Force that was illegally fundraising and soliciting donations, and numerous other laws that didn't even require the mandated 3 day public notice in order to hold open meetings.   I will soon be writing a detailed report, listing all the ordinance amendments, deletions, that have occurred during the past 4 years.   It is a disgrace that this city has illegally fundraised and solicited donations for YEARS....LIKELY DECADES, all without public knowledge, because they get by with doing business in the dark.  You let them.   By not broadcasting over public access tv, the work sessions(where the dirt is discussed), there is no way for the bulk of the citizenry to keep track of their constant shenanigans.   Demand immediate filming of, and publicizing all open meetings, including all committees.   This is the only way to achieve sunlight on dealings with your tax dollars.   If you can, begin attending meetings, just as I did, to demand forthright, honest governance and representation.   It is no wonder I continue to use the term "city of clowns."  Because it's true.  

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Why do we keep thanking the Troops? by Rory Fanning

I agree completely with the writer.  Why do we keep thanking the Troops, and what for?


Wierdest eye-popping "get up" yet....Lyme Disease Challenge by Robin Hensel.

Just for your entertainment/enlightenment/education.  For those I care deeply about and anyone who suffers from the atrocious under diagnosed lyme disease.  There is NO CURE FOR THIS OUTRAGEOUS DISABLING rotten disease.   Take a bite out of lyme today, before it takes a bite out of you, or someone you love.  Won't you please donate and continue the challenge.  Live Better Live Longer Morrison County should care about this.   The Morrison County Kindness Campaign members should too.  I challenge them all. 

Edward Snowden won't wanna miss this.

The Fault Dear Brutus and Apache Helicopter Hellfire Missile Blues, By Philip A. Farruggio You won't want to miss both of these great articles by my friend Philip.   Cut to the chase letters, that drive his point home.

LAWLESS COUNCIL rides again!!

This is my letter to the editor McRecord for print 3-29-15. Little Falls City Council chose to table the deletion of this law for 2 more months until May 18, 2015 council meeting. Whatever would this city do without my whistleblowing.  Answer: break their own laws even more. They are an embarrassment.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Who will build a wall to commemorate the innocent war victims SLAUGHTERED by our soldiers???

Little Falls City Council banned beekeeping in the city limits....real smart. NOT.

Golf Advisory Board... Where's the public purpose?

Comment replies you SHOULD BE AWARE OF. (letter to the editor Aleta Edin)

What Tom West doesn't tell the readers....McRecord gets paid over 17K per year, for writing about city council meetings.

The Morrison County Record is the official city of Little Falls newspaper, and therefore is mandated to publish the Council minutes. In return, the city has an obligation to give all the public announcement notices business, solely to MCRecord.   That figure exceeds 17 thousand dollars small potatoes.  That is all paid out of your tax dollars.  
Then there is the issue of the city attorney, staff or council members saying to Terry Lehrke, "and Terry, you don't have to print that."(when they want that issue left in the dark).

ask little falls

FOLKS IF YOU WANT Mary Warner to continue her blog to give voice to the people.....better chime in on the conversation.  Mary you might consider writing a public service announcement that will air for FREE on public access tv.  Contact Chris the manager.  He will develop an announcement to state your interest in developing a "citizens advisory panel" to coincide and advise council as to the "peoples" wishes.  I appreciate ALL your community efforts and share many of your concerns.  On one of your blogs you asked what is holding Little Falls back.  Answer: the closed ethos that has plagued this city for decades.  My opinion.  Racism/sterotyping/exclusion has prevailed for far too long.  I am interested in reforming the community norms, and demanding honest/transparent/inclusive governance.  Until the "advantage takers"are booted out of office and fired from city employment, this cannot be accomplished.  Each election a new crop of these type of people(mostly men) are voted into office by the mostly "beige advantage takers" or "uninformed electorate" that show up at the poles.  See what matters roun'hea and make$ candidate$ appealing i$ how many boards and committees they sit or have sat on.  And how they have pro$pered.....with NO consideration of real conscience or concern for the ENTIRE communitys'
people.  Why isn't there ONE low income person on council or any city committee for that matter?  Answer:  because they are not welcome.  That'$ why. Big problemo.  I DEMAND BETTER.   Don't you¿¿¿

city does not budget well $$$$

See for council for DECADES has been poorly representing the people who elected them.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Princeton study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy
Pretty sad commentary, but true.

Yard decorations not signs, unaltered statues not signs either. Remember that ya'll.

Notice the areas that state that yard decorations are not signs and unaltered statues are not signs either.   Remember that folks.  This applies to yard art and statues you may not like, just as much as the ones you do like.

Little Falls Chamber of Commerce ideas and concerns for city council. Take a look.

Items 1, 2, 3, and 5 are what I have been saying over and over almost every meeting at city hall and everywhere I go for the last 4 years.  And people used to think I wouldn't have any impact on community norms.  Notice they are encouraging people to "show up" to make a difference, or at least try.

No doubt we need a full time city administrator.  One that has his head on straight.  And the first thing the new administrator should advise this lawless council is to enact a "conflict of interest/ethics" policy, as recommended by the League of Minnesota Cities. This is from the March 2015 Chamber newsletter. 

Middle School Christmas decorations and illegal off premise Lindbergh Lions banners. Just why did they get moved to LeBourget Park?

Notice it says that they are researching/interpretation City Attorney.  Notice also that the complaint was lodged 5/29/14 so they decided to move all the decorations and illegal off premise Lindbergh Lions banners as well as the illegal Seasons Greetings huge sign that was mounted on the side of Lindbergh School for years(all in violation of the sign ordinance) to LeBourget Park on the west side of town.  Problem is, they didn't do that legally either.  Somebody(likely Greg Kimman) gave the Lions permission to install the decorations and all the signs BEFORE GETTING THE REQUIRED PERMISSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL.  Lawless bunch of clowns.Take a look at the link below.  U.S. is no longer an actual democracy.

Waller House non compliance update. City staff directed to change another law.

Notice here at the top of the page where it states "planning commission recommended that the city staff construct a rough draft of an ordinance change in relation to "dual use parking." What this means folks is that the city staff have been directed once again to make an ORDINANCE CHANGE.   I will make a data request soon to ask just how many ordinance changes/amendments/deletions have been made during the last four years.   It is dozens and dozens.  I will report it here, once I get the info. 
It is in my opinion just plain wrong, to rewrite the laws for some folks business, when they are found in violation.  Example: Retkas ServiceMaster....they had a junkyard with more than 15 illegally parked cars and car parts on their business property, and when they were found in violation of code, the city attorney suggested they apply for a conditional use permit so they could continue to store the cars there.  The problem is that they don't treat every business or individual fairly.  They only jump through hoops if they like you or if you are part of the "go along to get along opportunity hoarding" clique in town.
So the Waller House was found in violation of their conditional use permit in a number of ways, and what did the council and planning commission do.....gave them an additional YEAR TO BE IN NON COMPLIANCE, INSTEAD OF ENFORCING THE LAW CORRECTLY AND UNIFORMLY.  Absolutely disgraceful how these clowns operate.


Alliance Church had NO SIGN PERMITS IN FILE. Oh oh. Little Falls Minnesota.

DesRosier Drive Roach Development addition of 8 new four plex single level homes...neighbors not one bit happy.

Part one Planning meeting Little Falls Minnesota 3-19-15
Part 2 conclusion VERY interesting. Ben Oleson discusses PODs metal storage containers placed on lots and on streets. 

Morrison County Humane Society cats and dogs for adoption 3-19-15

Take a look....maybe your new forever friend is amongst these animals awaiting escape from their jail.  320-632-0703 to adopt.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The 9/11 Commission didn't believe the why should we? Little Fallsians are banned from reading this.

Why support the troops?

I agree completely with Jacob Hornbergers article.  Do you?

ILLEGALLY OPERATING GOLF ADVISORY BOARD gets another 2 month free pass. Sickening.

So here's the scoop once again.   The city owned golf course is to operate under the ordinance Golf Advisory Board.  It is a LAW.   Not just a committee...but an actual ORDINANCE.  It has never NEVER BEEN compliant with the required monthly meetings, since its enactment in 1987.  So for 27 years it has been illegal.  The city has been in violation for more than 27 YEARS FOLKS.   And now, they are gonna get another free pass for an additional 2 months. 
One of the council members commented to me last night(after I stated it's a law and needs to be followed by the city)....that it was just a misdemeanor. (so in other big deal to violate it).   Ya right......they really do feel they are "above the law."  His comment is evidence of that.   Why can't they get anything right the first time.  Answer.....because they don't have to.   You allow them to get by with this crap.   Why don't you consider electing people that actually have a conscience and act on it?    Little Falls deserves what it gets.  Poor representation, and poor city staff performance.  I am just sickened that the city I reside in, is so "below the board" in every area.

Chief Schirmers admits publicly that dangerous dog policy "the practice we had in place was not LAWFUL !!!!"

Excuse me but this is just an outrage.   Why in the heck can't the city council, city attorney, city police department, city administrator and or staff ever get ANYTHING RIGHT THE FIRST TIME? In the last four years, I wonder how many dozens of laws or policies they have either rewritten because of being unconstitutional or illegal, amended, or deleted?    Folks this should concern you.  It is an embarrassment that this area can't seem to perform correctly/legally in any area of governance.   I wonder how long it will be until the MCRecord editorial board writes about this incompetence?  3-16-15 Little Falls City Council meeting.  
What is also interesting is that Brice Hermsons dog was shot and killed, by one of the 17 officers involved in the marijuana raid on his home, within the last week.  And then along comes Schirmers, requesting a change in the law.   Hmmmmmm.    

If you don't smell something fishy, your head is in the sand. 

Listen closely to what the city attorney Toni Wetzels answers are to the questions asked by councilmember Brad Hircock.
Was it laziness that prompted city administrator Dan Vogt to use the Brainerd model to determine that a $500.00 fine for harboring a dangerous dog was appropriate for poverty stricken Little Falls?   Really.  Dan should have been questioned by Brad Hircock on this, but why didn't he object to that extreme dollar amount.  This is crazy.  Do you think it is the upper income folks that have what would be considered "dangerous dogs...code word for pittbull"  around here?  Why not base the fine on some town that is economically equal.  Like one of the towns further to the north of us who are in the top 5 most poverty stricken counties?  This is just anther attempt to target the poor and minorities, and another attempt to drive them out.   Pathetic.

Just in case you didn't figure this out....what this means is that if your dog was taken away, or you got a ticket for having a dangerous dog, YOUR DUE PROCESS WAS LIKELY VIOLATED AND YOU WOULD HAVE LIKELY HAVE A GOOD LEGAL CASE AGAINST THE CITY OF LITTLE FALLS, MINNESOTA.   


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Northend folks ain't so happy now. Public comments from the neighbors on DesRosier Drive. Roach development to install 4 plex units close by.

3-16-15 Oh oh.....folks not happy about this.  Listen in.

Small Homes presentation on non conforming lots in city limits.

Listen as I present this progressive and smart idea.  3-16-15

What....bathrooms at city hall not disability accessible yet and no plans to do so in 2015?

My public forum 3-16-15.  I wonder why the bathrooms are not yet upgraded to allow a fully disabled individual to get into the bathrooms at city hall yet.  Mayor Greg Zylka stated that he is in favor of doing this, and I  was told last night by Leif Hanson that the money for the upgrade has been budgeted.  So why the delay.  With so many veterans in the area and others who are challenged physically, you would think this would be the "kind" thing to do, wouldn't you? 

I am concerned that the SEH firm that Greg Kimman worked for has not officially donated his greatly reduced design of the Little Falls Area Recreational Complex yet.  Listen as I question about this.   This seems to be a giant conflict of interest.  Greg Kimman was given the job as Public Works Director, directly following this thousands of dollars (according to former Mayor Cathy VanRisseghem) reduced by thousands of dollars.  

I also request the mayor proclaim March 31st every year, Cesar Chavez Day in Little Falls.  That day has been proclaimed  in honor of him in the State of Minnesota, so why not here?  

Monday, March 16, 2015

council antics tonight..stay tuned

I will be publishing video clips of tonights work session and council meeting highlights tomorrow and Wednesday.  Tune won't want to miss.

MCRecord REALLY wants to hide this from everyone.

Interesting......I post this and sure enough NOW they publish my comment.  I posted this comment last Friday.  When it's a post they like it gets published immediately.  Go figure.

Posted this part earlier today.  
They are not willing to publish this comment. Notice I did NOT use anyones name, $o why wouldn't they publish this comment?  I'll tell you why.  They receive over 16k every year from the City of Little Falls for being the official city newspaper.  They are in bed together. McRecord have NO scruples.  NADA.  NONE.

Treasure City signs. Bet they're not all permitted or legal.

Take a look.  What are you willing to wager not many of these signs, if any, are legal.  Picture taken 3-16-15. Royalton, Mn.  Looks to me  like
council is slacking.   If I were them, I would be taking my job as an elected paid representative of the people of Royalton, more seriously.  The residents are being short-changed.


All of these pictures were taken 3-16-15 and are VERY ILLEGAL off premise signs in Royalton, Mn.  Council is not fulfilling it'$ job enforcing the sign ordinance.  Why is it, that cities enact ordinances they have no intention of enforcing UNIFORMLY??   Instead they pick and choose, which is a violation of the law.  It'$ called selective enforcement.  If I were the attorney for Supreme Signs, who also have an illegal off premise sign(as pictured behind the Goldsmith sign) I would bring up that they seem to have been singled out, $ince these other illegal signs are being allowed.  You would think City of Royalton would be smarter than this, wouldn't you¿¿¿   They seem to be following in the footsteps of Little Falls "city of clowns lawless council."

Sunday, March 15, 2015