Saturday, January 18, 2020

Stephen Jones Superintendent Little Falls advertising Starry Eyed Brewery and Johnny c's bar? Really??

 I wonder why he has these posted on his Facebook page? Don't you? This doesn't seem very classy for the head of our schools.  But it does fit in an area laden with skanks.


  1. So a guy can’t express enjoyment at local business?

    1. Sure he can. And I am free to criticize a superintendent that hypocritically promotes alcohol use, while lording over a school system that advertises "youth alcohol abstinence"......I am told that Jones may even be a silent partner and bartender at Starry Eyed Brewery. Many teachers have seen him serving out there. It doesn't look good, that's for sure. Just another example as to why this county is loaded with drunks. The real issue for Morrison County is the over consumption of booze. It is a plague and the children are suffering. Fetal alcohol syndrome is everywhere throughout our school system. One would expect that the folks employed with tax dollars would set a better example for our youth. Guess not.
