Wednesday, July 3, 2019

SIGNS Hall of Shame. Lenae/Dan Gilder, Charles Kapsner, Steve/Gwen Shelley, Fishing Museum, Da Fishin Hole

Stay tuned. The latest pictures taken 7-7-19 these will all be reported to LFPD first thing in the morning 7-8-19 top one is atrached to stop sign, others are in the ROW illegally. Too bad these businesses feel above the law.

There will be more added soon. All of the pictures below were taken 7-3-19.

Today I called the LFPD to report these illegal signs(shortly after I took the pictures)....all in the road right of way.

Lenae and Dan Gilders home below. Violates the law 2 ways. Sign ordinance does not allow 3 signs on a residential property....Only 2. And the Relay for Life sign is in the public right of way.  This is the 3rd time, they have violated the sign ordinance in the last few years. They know better. They feel they are above the law. I have reported them all 3 times and LFPD had to tell them to remove any illegal ones they had up.

Officers in this town should not have to return to the same residence more than once, to get sign ordinance compliance.  Intersection of 6th St. SE and 5th Ave.SE.

 Below, Charles Kapsner home at intersection of 9th St. SE and 5th Ave.S.E. clearly in the road right of way. How can I tell? Because any lightpole, stopsign or other roadway signs HAVE to be in the public right of way. This is NOT the first offense for them either. At least once before, maybe 2 other years, they had to remove the sign back onto their own property. They KNOW better.

 Steve and Gwen Shelleys residence, intersection of 2nd St.SE and 5th Ave. SE. This is a first for them. Let's hope they learn quickly.
 A WARNING to everyone who has become LAZY or thinking they can skirt the law in the future. I will be watching, taking photos, and reporting every one to the police....then adding them to this page. So if you don't want to become famous on my blog.....obey the law. The sign ordinance is law.

The fishing museum below is totally illegal under our sign ordinance signs may be placed in the ROW or on a lightpole, stopsign or road sign. Can't even lean against it as this one is. Photo taken 7-17-19
 All of the illegal Babies on Broadway, Ins Brokers of Mn, Dominos Pizza signs have now been removed. They were in 5 locations.  Business owners and property owners need to read the Mn State statut, our sign ordinance 5.30 and follow it. There is no excuse for violations.

Here's how it looks took MnDot to get them removed. City did NOT do their job.

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