Friday, March 29, 2019

WAR, Little Falls City Council'$ in BED with Camp buys influence.

W ☆ A ☆ R

Camp Ripley is Little Falls, Mn'$  AIPAC

If this isn't political influence, I don't know what is.

I couldn't be there to film what kind of new "EVIL" General Lowell Kruse, the National Guard Red Bull Unit leaders and all other military unit leaders who train at Camp Ripley, have conjured up to seduce the next generation of war criminals to commit. But the city recorded it.....see below....

Watch the video above, at the beginning for Camp Ripley presentation. 

The military's main job is to kill people and blow up buildings, all for corporate profit, destruction of infrastructure and stealing resources.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly, and it is to the benefit of the Pentagon to keep creating more wars. Beware the military-industrial complex. All about money.
