Monday, February 18, 2019

Legislative Update 2-15-19 BDS, Ron Kresha, Paul Gazelka, Little Falls, Mn Barret Petfoods Innovation roadblock

Jon Radermacher admits gas is at capacity ( city and EDA board created shovel ready business lots for sale in Chief Hole in the Day industrial park, without having done the necessary legwork to determine whether gas service critical to future businesses there, was even available). Shame on Greg Zylka, the  city EDA board, Carol Anderson, Morrison County EDA, and Jon Radermacher for not performing their duties correctly. What a bunch of slackers. Junior highers could probably do a better job. 

Kresha has a lot of nerve suggesting my activism and speech about the anti-BDS bills pushed by he and Gazelka are anti-semetic. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is not anti-semetic to call out or criticize the Israeli government for war crimes, apartheid, genocide, child atrocities, and illegal imprisonment of the Palestinian people.  Kresha, I have news for you. It IS your job to understand the Constitution, and also author only Constitutional legislation. Ones that will pass muster. You and Gazelka swore an OATH to uphold the Mn and US Constitutions. You 2 have violated both. Go back to junior high where you belong, and study the Constitution. 

The Zionist Israeli government is evil. Rotten to the core. And your churches are supporting this filthy regime. 

These  2 anti-BDS bills will be challenged and struck down eventually,(as they have in other states,)  because they violate the First Amendment.  Who pays for their screwup? Every single Minnesota taxpayer. They were warned. I asked them to repeal both laws. They refused. The guilt is on them. Watch.....the law is on the side of BDS and free speech. Betcha. The Mn ACLU thinks so and after all, they were right in my case(they wrote the amicus brief) and they are right on this too. 

Kresha YOU are wrong. So's your sidekick. And time will bear that out. 
If this community were to welcome diversity, it would solve our worker shortage. If we had a Woman's Peace and Justice Center(as I propsed when running for mayor in 2014) our daycare shortage would not exist. The community's women would have followed my leadership and developed a worker cooperative daycare where all workers could bring their own children, as they helped other parents whose children needed daycare. The homeless would be fed there, as an additional much needed program.  The city refuses to listen to and follow my advice on a number of good policy changes and new innovative ideas, so now finds itself in a quandry. Anybody surprised? Keep electing the good ol white boys (and their wives) opportunity thieves, and get more of the same. 

Worker cooperatives could solve most of the issues riddling this city. 

Keep up the MAGA agenda and watch this city crumble. 

The only thing missing at this event, were the red "Make America Great Again" hats on top of these 2 Trumpite heads.

These guys are a disgrace. And the racist Trumpites in the audience are too. Morrison County/Little Falls....a "Constitution Free Zone, CAUTION...ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK"  

Kindness does not exist here. 
Full video of Legislative Forum. Listen to Ron Kresha's racist comment about "our homeless" look just like you and I. Not like the metro other words our homeless are caucasian.  Shame on you Ron. Your bigotry exhibited in neon color.

And how come there isn't yet a daily free soup kitchen anywhere in town?

Why aren't local churches paying for those meals that homeless people are eating at St. Gabriels Hospital cafeteria?

Answer: because REAL kindness, does not exist here.

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