Sunday, February 3, 2019

Jon Radermacher, Mayor Greg Zylka, Little Falls Lions, and Charlie Peterka

Why on earth is Jon Radermacher promoting Economic Development funded projects? Isn't that the mayor's role? Especially since Mayor Greg Zylka is the PRESIDENT of the EDA?

My guess is Jon is recruiting supporters for the upcoming TIF district modification public hearing on March 18th.  Those Lions folks will be counted if they show up to give a public hearing comment in favor and I will report back on here, who they were. Many of the Lions don't even live in the city, but that won't stop them from "going along to get along".

One other thing......why are only "certain" businesses being promoted?   That's called bias and is unfair to all the other well established or new "not promoted" smaller businesses.

Just plain wrong.

This Lions group is loaded with opportunity thieves.

What does this add up to? A poorly run city, spending MILLIONS of taxpayer money on corporate welfare.  This citys leaders are promoting "socialism for some."

NOTICE THAT MAYOR GREG ZYLKA reappointed known criminal Charlie Peterka to the Library Board. Is that the best private citizen he could muster for the position? Really?

Zylka told former Alderman Brian Crowder he would appoint him to that board. There is recorded proof. But the mayor doesn't keep his promises. He doesn't need to tell the truth, does he? Zylka's good at poor decision making. There is proof about all kinds of other ridiculous, discriminatory comments as well. I hold the evidence.

Much more on this in the future. An outside agency, a state group will get to the bottom of the ongoing investigation of discrimination. As usual, the law is on my side. I always get the proof.

There are laws that forbid discrimination.

I wonder who the next mayor will be? Certainly not Zylka.

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