Thursday, December 6, 2018

Little Falls,Mn UPDATED corrupted city. Greg Kimman, Gerald Knafla, Jon Radermacher, Ben Oleson...who allowed "can man" to violate the law?

Why doesn't the city place a plastic and aluminum recycle bin at Maple Island and every other city park, as well as in the downtown area, by every trashcan? Doesn't that make more sense? City encourages it's residents to recycle but doesn't have ANY recycling mechanism for the park visitors to recycle. City could utilize city public works crews who empty the trash cans, to take the recycle to the public works building, where the recycle contractor could pick up the recycle twice per month. Makes sense to me.

Lookie here what I just found. The Can Man's receptacles were allowed by the city, YEARS after being told he had to remove them. It's one of 2 things. Either he is being shown favoritism(it's called selective enforcement and is very illegal) or city staff are failing miserably at their jobs. Shame on city staff either way.

If the can man wants to place his receptacle on private property, there would be no issue.

If he wants his popcan bin by the dam, he should ask Mike Roach to allow his receptacle on the new Roach business building property.  Maybe he would allow it.

The can man must have connections at city hall, or else he is a criminal who thinks he can illegally place his aluminum recycle bin on city park land, or in the public right of way. 

Needless to say, I never got an answer from anyone at city hall.  The picture with the receptacle removed was taken just prior to 11am today 12-6-18. The letter I wrote to city officials was sent yesterday 12-5-18 at 10:55am. Took them one day to remove it. 

Bet you know why. 

Because it never should have been there in the first place.

Why can't/won't this city, just do "the right thing," .....ever?

I still wonder if Greg Kimman attends Zion Lutheran. I know councilor Gerald Knafla does. I also know the can man donates money to Zion from his can collection. This guy also drives his golf cart illegally all over town and the police just look the other way.  

This whole city system is corrupted. That stinks.

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