Saturday, November 3, 2018

Little Falls Mn CVB Kris VonBerge is coordinating THE BIG DIG, on YOUR NICKEL.

 Remember, it was Kris VonBerge and Jill Moore(Great River Arts) who sponsored and coordinated the unconstitutional Chalk the Walk June 27, 2018. How much more will Kris, stain this city with her careless attitude about honoring the highest law of our land?

 And if you look at the highlighted  red area below, the city is revising the sidewalk chalking ordinance "to allow city staff for advertising purposes may be done by city employees acting within the course and scope of their employment; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to uniformly coloring concrete or other surfacing as such coloring shall be approved by the PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER."

The public works director is of course Greg Kimman.  Remember that name.

It won't be the last time you hear it. He'll be right in the middle of the next Constitutional crisis the city gets itself into.

It is no coincidence this ordinance change immediately follows the Mn ACLU warning letter to the city.  The city is making it easier for Kris VonBerge and the business owners to incorporate extra signage and advertising to promote their downtown businesses, during the highway 27 road repair. Now Kris or anyone else can coordinate a sidewalk chalking event WITHOUT asking the city for permission(as they had to for this years Chalk the Walk event).  The ordinance used to prohibit sidewalk coloring with chalk.

TAKE NOTE.... the sidewalk ordinance was also likely UNCONSTITUTIONAL as it was previously written. There have been Minnesota cases setting precedence in this area in previous years.

As long as laws are uniformly enforced and the Constitution is not violated, I do not object to events the city is involved with or sponsors. But that just simply has not been the case for the last 6 years.

I hope voters realize that without me watchdogging them, their lawlessness would continue. It should be sinking in by now. Don't you think???¿¿¿¿

In the video below, listen closely after they pass the Barret Petfoods resolution, as they discuss THE BIG DIG, and Cone Zone events to be held next year, to lure people to downtown. They even plan to give building owners taxpayer $$$ to renovate their BACK entrances if the front, roof, and interior isn't enough!!!  So what this means  is, taxpayers are going to be subsidizing real estate agents and wealthy building owners who don't want to foot most of the bill themselves to renovate their buildings, so they can turn around and get exorbitant rents on YOUR NICKEL.  I can't afford that, can YOU? This group and the Historic Presevation Committes are out to RIP YOU OFF.  It's a giant good ol white boys(and their wives/families) conspiracy to PIRATE MONEY FROM YOUR POCKETBOOK.  And it'$ working just grand. They are laughing all the way to the bank, and the public is dumb enough to let them. This is shameful. If the building owners can't afford to repair the buildings, let somebody else buy them who can. 

Nobody need wonder why their taxes are SKY HIGH. 

THIS IS PURE "pork barrel" and the little piggies are squealing as they rob you blind. 

The only question now is, come next year how many TENS OF THOUSANDS will they drop on Susy Prosapio, Marv Hoheisel, Tim Witucki, Tom Scherling, and all the rest of the downtown bloodsuckers? 

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