Monday, August 7, 2017

Shahram Hadian Friday August 11, 2017 Little Falls, Mn VFW Trojan horse of interfaith dialogue????

And as it turns out I was right, Dr. Alyas Masih IS kissin cousins to Usama Dakdok.  Listen carefully

listen to this if you want to hear Dr. Alyas Masih speak, as well as Farooq Kaase Andzenge, at St. Cloud State University.....below

I was correct,  that Ambrose is the son of Alyas Masih, a medical doctor who is going to speak at the Trojan Horse event at Granite City Baptist Church on September 14, 2017.  His own recording of the event is below(the youtube link below)...and his brother could use some videorecording lessons. 

And this type of CRIMINAL TERRORISTIC ACT(below) is likely a direct result of this type of speakers. One of these type of events is a great place to learn to hate your neighbors that happen to be Muslim.....I strongly oppose and will continue to speak out, attend, film and blog as many of these YUK FESTS  as I possibly can.   Expect tough  questions from some of the attendees.

And was the perpetrator a kissin cousin to Matthew Gust, who admitted firebombing  a Somali restaurant ????

None other than the Central Minnesota Teaparty and the Central Minnesota Teaparty Patriots are helping drum up all this fearmongering CRAP about Islam and Muslims. And yes's all pure crap.  These people are afraid of the boogeyman evidently.

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