Saturday, September 22, 2018

Robin Hensel or Greg Zylka/Little Falls pick.

Only one of us is for inclusive, fully transparent government, and Constitutional obedience by all local elected officials. Bet you know who that is. The other is in bed with the good ol white boys opportunity thieving crowd, stealing all the opportunities from those who really need it, before they even know the grant funds are available.

And don't forget......
Councilor Greg Zylka, Jeremy Hanfler and Frank Gosiak, ALL refused to object as I was being illeglly arrested at city hall in 2013. They were pleased and laughing, as I was being escorted out, (for demanding to sit in the same spot as the former mayors hubby and mommy in law and 4 others sat in, just 4 days prior.) Instead of being seated behind the dais, all 3 of these clowns should have been in grade school. They missed the part about civil/human rights, say NOTHING of the Constitution. The Mn Supreme Court DEMOLISHED the statute on disorderly conduct at public meetings because it was BLATANTLY unConstitutional.

I was right and they were WRONG. Remember that. And they are still at it.

Zylka cares about his political resume, not about ALL of his constituents. Just some...... the "go along to get along" club, is his top priority.

His campaign manager, Susy Prospio, (wife of Dr. Phil Prospio,) was appointed by Greg, soon after he became mayor, to the Historic Preservation Committee. Susy just sucked up the last 43K to fix the roof on her latest historic building purchase, to fix it's roof. The money was given to the city from the federal government to preserve the Buckman Senior Congregate building. Let that stick in your craw. It was her 3rd building that she applied for and got taxpayer funded welfare grants(EDA) to repair her buildings. Pathetic.

This will CEASE when I am mayor.

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