Saturday, September 30, 2017
NO WARRIOR COPS/NO MORE WARS, POLLY MANN IN THE HOUSE, 9-17-17 Camp Ripley Community Appreciaton Day(recruitment/retention)
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Raquel Lundberg conflict of interest, owns Waller House B+B asks to skirt her conditional use permit
Councilor Raquel Lundberg asked council at a work session recently, to eliminate the food service restriction during the hours of 8am and 4pm on Bed and Breakfasts(she has the only one in town). She also convinced council and city staff to remove any obligations in her conditional use permit that require off street parking for her B+B and Teas by Appointment customers.
This is a part of her conditional use permit. So in essence she wants city planning commission to recommend to the city council, that her conditional use restriction of food service be modified or eliminated. Her buddies Councilor Frank Gosiak and Council President Jeremy Hanfler are on the planning commission. Hanfler is the planning comm president. Remember when Frank Gosiaks sister( former mayor Cathy VanRisseghem) was advertising on her official mayoral Facebook page for a few chosen businesses, like Waller House B+B and Hilmerson RV(her good buddies) all from behind the desk of her other job, CEO of Little Falls Conventuon and Visitors Bureau( which was likely a conflict of interest and illegal under the city charter)?
This is a huge conflict of interest for Raquel Lundberg. City council better not eliminate this part of her existing current conditional use permit. For years she and the Wallers got by with operating an illegal motel/restaurant in a residential district. City turned a blind eye.
I would advise concerned citizens to show up for this planning meeting on Oct. 9th at 6:30pm.
I should not be the only one in town, willing to keep them honest. This is just one of hundreds of examples of dishonest, opportunity thieving council, service club members and city staff operate to pocket all they can.
Ought to make you mad as heck they get by with it.
We all pay the bill when they steal opportunities because of their networking, grant sucking thievery.
part 1 of 2 public hearing 10-9-17
This is a part of her conditional use permit. So in essence she wants city planning commission to recommend to the city council, that her conditional use restriction of food service be modified or eliminated. Her buddies Councilor Frank Gosiak and Council President Jeremy Hanfler are on the planning commission. Hanfler is the planning comm president. Remember when Frank Gosiaks sister( former mayor Cathy VanRisseghem) was advertising on her official mayoral Facebook page for a few chosen businesses, like Waller House B+B and Hilmerson RV(her good buddies) all from behind the desk of her other job, CEO of Little Falls Conventuon and Visitors Bureau( which was likely a conflict of interest and illegal under the city charter)?
part 2 of 2 public hearing 10-9-17 planning commission votes unanimously to recommend the language that only allows food service from 8am-4pm be stricken from the ordinance. That means that Councilor Raquel Lundberg's proposed food service during her murder mystery dinners by appt. could last until midnight. Car doors will be slamming in that neighborhood more than the neighbors like. Betcha. And if the council approves this, this applies to other bed and breakfasts anywhere in town. Rule applies to everybody the same. Right?
This is a huge conflict of interest for Raquel Lundberg. City council better not eliminate this part of her existing current conditional use permit. For years she and the Wallers got by with operating an illegal motel/restaurant in a residential district. City turned a blind eye.
I would advise concerned citizens to show up for this planning meeting on Oct. 9th at 6:30pm.
I should not be the only one in town, willing to keep them honest. This is just one of hundreds of examples of dishonest, opportunity thieving council, service club members and city staff operate to pocket all they can.
Ought to make you mad as heck they get by with it.
We all pay the bill when they steal opportunities because of their networking, grant sucking thievery.
SIGNS in city hall June 3,2013 what Terry Lehrke DOES NOT want public to know. Morrison County Record
Above is the sign I taped together at the top of the sign below to create a sandwich board that I placed directly in front of my own chair, in the first row at Little Falls city council chambers on June 3rd, 2013. Why didn't Terry Lehrke print what my speech said on this particular sign? ("Birth Defects...depleted uranium and white phosphorus)......
Well I'll tell you why. She has connections to Camp Ripley. One of her relatives is in the National Guard(as,I recall her son perhaps?)
I even shared with her after the council closed the meeting abruptly after only 3 minutes, that Camp Ripley uses White Phosphorus AND depleted uranium.
How do I know that? Because it's in the Camp Ripley Range Regulations every year that white phosphorus(a deadly poison used extensively during the Vietnam War) cannot be used in wetland areas. But all other areas of the numerous bombing ranges,Ripley has, it's ok to bomb with white phosphorus.
The council and other audience members(who included George VanRisseghem- former mayor Cathy VanRisseghem's hubby , Charlotte VanRisseghem(Georgie's mommy), Linda Burgraff and her hubby, and a few other buddies of Mayor Cathy VanRisseghem(who also has close connections to Camp Ripley(Her daughter Andrea is married to Marty Skoglunds son and is employed by Camp Ripley or is a guard member. Marty Skoglund was for many years the environmental head at Camp Ripley) DISTURBED THEIR OWN MEETING. I just sat there quietly.) What a joke this article is. And Jim Chandler, as well as the council, city atty Toni Wetzel, and Paul Reuvers don't either. Pathetic. And why didn't Jim Chandler move forward when invited by President Don Klinker? Because he could see, that's why. As could all of the rest of the audience members.
And then there is this article:
The signs are only 40"tall, 4 inches higher than the backs of the 60-65 chairs that were in the audience area that night. Actually the signboard was only about 36-38" tall once I spread the bottom open so it would stand up on it's own. The one above, of live and dead children riddled with deformaties from U.S bombs over Fallujah, Iraq, faced the council. I wanted to prick their conscience, as every year council allows Col. St. Sauver (commander at Camp Ripley) to give his economic and environmental 30 minute presentation, on the agenda of city council meeting. Even though it has absolutely nothing to do with "delivery of city services" or "falls within the authority of the city." (Which they ask citizens to frame their public forum comments under)
The photo below, of the other side of the sandwich board, faced the audience and the local public access tv station videocamera.
The bottom 2 signs were on my hat. Free speech restricted here faced the council and Costly City Mistakes Made Here Routinely faced the audience and the tv camera. There were 60-65 chairs available and only 7 people in the audience. No sightline obstruction whatsoever, but the public was convinced because of Terry Lehrkes distorted framing of the truth. She should have stated all of this in her article in the Morrison County Record, official city newspaper(taxpayer funded). She left it out so readers would believe I had created an obstruction and disturbed their meeting.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Then this same false narrative was adopted by the Morrison County Attorneys office in their petition to the court in my illegal arrest and illegal conviction of commiting disorderly conduct on June 7, 2013......just 4 days after those friends and family members of Cathy Van Risseghem were invited forward after George said he coul dn't see.
They were invited to sit around the 4 work session 8' tables and numerous chairs that council always left up between the dais and the audience area....UNTIL they removed them on purpose on June 7th. Never before, had they ever removed them. City knew I was going to insist on sitting forward in same area. Because after the June 3rd abrupt meeting, when I was packing up my stuff, I said to Theresa Skorseth "oh interesting.... so now that THEY got to sit forward, so can we at the next meeting. Listening was Frank Gosiak and Jeremy Hanflers good buddy, Michael Krejci(a contractor for Jerry Abrahams CMAT TV). In fact, he likely recorded us. He then likely proceeded to tell both of these good buddies, what Theresa abd I intended to do at the next meeting.
Then the city staff removed the chairs and tables before the emergency council meeting on June 7th when I was arrested for insisting on sitting in that same darn area that those 7 mayoral buddies and family members had sat in.
Another big issue that Terry failed to report on, was the fact that because the mayor abruptly closed the June 3rd mtg, before they conducted any business, they failed to pass 2 sign required by their own sign ordinance, permits for 2 city events. One at the city owned golf course and one big banner for the annual city owned zoo event. What the public was not told is that these 2 banners had already been ILLEGALLY erected at the golf course and the zoo, the week before. So here again, the city knowingly violated their own sign ordinance law. Like I have said countless times, city council and mayor enact laws them break those laws. Crooked. Lawless council.....all of them. Current and former, except Alderman Brian Crowder...the only honest one amongst them.
Above sign was facing the audience and placed against my videocamera that was positioned up by the dais. The backside was facing council members.
Above recent example of another violation of my free speech. March 6, 2017....IT NEVER ENDS ■■■●●●•••
Well I'll tell you why. She has connections to Camp Ripley. One of her relatives is in the National Guard(as,I recall her son perhaps?)
I even shared with her after the council closed the meeting abruptly after only 3 minutes, that Camp Ripley uses White Phosphorus AND depleted uranium.
How do I know that? Because it's in the Camp Ripley Range Regulations every year that white phosphorus(a deadly poison used extensively during the Vietnam War) cannot be used in wetland areas. But all other areas of the numerous bombing ranges,Ripley has, it's ok to bomb with white phosphorus.
The council and other audience members(who included George VanRisseghem- former mayor Cathy VanRisseghem's hubby , Charlotte VanRisseghem(Georgie's mommy), Linda Burgraff and her hubby, and a few other buddies of Mayor Cathy VanRisseghem(who also has close connections to Camp Ripley(Her daughter Andrea is married to Marty Skoglunds son and is employed by Camp Ripley or is a guard member. Marty Skoglund was for many years the environmental head at Camp Ripley) DISTURBED THEIR OWN MEETING. I just sat there quietly.) What a joke this article is. And Jim Chandler, as well as the council, city atty Toni Wetzel, and Paul Reuvers don't either. Pathetic. And why didn't Jim Chandler move forward when invited by President Don Klinker? Because he could see, that's why. As could all of the rest of the audience members.
And then there is this article:
The signs are only 40"tall, 4 inches higher than the backs of the 60-65 chairs that were in the audience area that night. Actually the signboard was only about 36-38" tall once I spread the bottom open so it would stand up on it's own. The one above, of live and dead children riddled with deformaties from U.S bombs over Fallujah, Iraq, faced the council. I wanted to prick their conscience, as every year council allows Col. St. Sauver (commander at Camp Ripley) to give his economic and environmental 30 minute presentation, on the agenda of city council meeting. Even though it has absolutely nothing to do with "delivery of city services" or "falls within the authority of the city." (Which they ask citizens to frame their public forum comments under)
The photo below, of the other side of the sandwich board, faced the audience and the local public access tv station videocamera.
The bottom 2 signs were on my hat. Free speech restricted here faced the council and Costly City Mistakes Made Here Routinely faced the audience and the tv camera. There were 60-65 chairs available and only 7 people in the audience. No sightline obstruction whatsoever, but the public was convinced because of Terry Lehrkes distorted framing of the truth. She should have stated all of this in her article in the Morrison County Record, official city newspaper(taxpayer funded). She left it out so readers would believe I had created an obstruction and disturbed their meeting.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Then this same false narrative was adopted by the Morrison County Attorneys office in their petition to the court in my illegal arrest and illegal conviction of commiting disorderly conduct on June 7, 2013......just 4 days after those friends and family members of Cathy Van Risseghem were invited forward after George said he coul dn't see.
They were invited to sit around the 4 work session 8' tables and numerous chairs that council always left up between the dais and the audience area....UNTIL they removed them on purpose on June 7th. Never before, had they ever removed them. City knew I was going to insist on sitting forward in same area. Because after the June 3rd abrupt meeting, when I was packing up my stuff, I said to Theresa Skorseth "oh interesting.... so now that THEY got to sit forward, so can we at the next meeting. Listening was Frank Gosiak and Jeremy Hanflers good buddy, Michael Krejci(a contractor for Jerry Abrahams CMAT TV). In fact, he likely recorded us. He then likely proceeded to tell both of these good buddies, what Theresa abd I intended to do at the next meeting.
Then the city staff removed the chairs and tables before the emergency council meeting on June 7th when I was arrested for insisting on sitting in that same darn area that those 7 mayoral buddies and family members had sat in.
Another big issue that Terry failed to report on, was the fact that because the mayor abruptly closed the June 3rd mtg, before they conducted any business, they failed to pass 2 sign required by their own sign ordinance, permits for 2 city events. One at the city owned golf course and one big banner for the annual city owned zoo event. What the public was not told is that these 2 banners had already been ILLEGALLY erected at the golf course and the zoo, the week before. So here again, the city knowingly violated their own sign ordinance law. Like I have said countless times, city council and mayor enact laws them break those laws. Crooked. Lawless council.....all of them. Current and former, except Alderman Brian Crowder...the only honest one amongst them.
Above sign was facing the audience and placed against my videocamera that was positioned up by the dais. The backside was facing council members.
Almost every public comment I have made since 2012 either pertains to councils hypocrisy and violations of their own darn laws, or my conviction that war does not work. Support the troops, bring them home. I believe there is no better place to let elected officials know about the dangers to everyone, and our own soldiers from our illicit/immoral/unconstitutional perpetual wars for corporations and US empire.
Plus, the League of Mn Cities recommends city councilors need to hear concerns on the local, county, state and federal level.
But it was Paul Reuvers(League of Mn Atty representing City of Little Falls for my free speech lawsuit that gave the wrong advice to city atty Toni Wetzel, to have LFPD Chief Greg Schirmers escort me out on June 7, 2013 and issue a bogus citation for disorderly conduct that has cost this city and state taxpayers upwards of half a MILLION NOW. Crazy. And it's not over yet....not by a longshot.
Most effective thing people can do is call city hall 320-616-5500 and demand council leave me alone from now on.....AND demand the immediate withdrawal from the League of Minnesota Cities membership. It was their bum advice after all that caused all of this legal expense. Course Paul Reuvers would live it, if city lined his pockets with another 200K+ should city council discriminate against me again. Go to city website for email addresses for all elected officials and Jon Radermacher city administrator. Do it Monday. If not then, when? After the next half a million in future mistakes?
Now you know the real story. My blog is the only legitimate news source in Morrison County.
Terry Lehrke, you should be ashamed of yourself. So should ECM Publishers.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Polly Mann(founder of WAMM) Coleen Rowley and Dave Lodgsdon VFP speak at Camp Ripley 9-17-17
Polly Mann, 96 year young co-founder of 35 year old Women Against Military Madness, Mpls, Mn.9-17-17 at Camp Ripley "No Warrior Cops" and No More Wars/Drone Assassinations protest
Coleen Rowley, retired FBI agent of 20 years and 2002 Times Magazine "Person of the Year" whistleblower/activist 9-17-17 at Camp Ripley "No Warrior Cops" and No More Wars/Drone Assassinations protest
Blow your shorts off speech. Little Falls City Council work session 9-18-17
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
State Supreme Court Ruling Reverses Disorderly Conduct Conviction of Little Falls Woman (Robin Hensel) 9-13-17
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